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Re: [META] Use of the list for non-Debian matters

> Although the creation of a 'Debian-guru' list would have the same
> effect as creating a 'Debian-newbie' list.  Everybody would ask their
> questions on the guru list since
> 	a.  All the gurus would be reading it (obviously)
> 	b.  None of the gurus would bother reading the regular list
> 	anymore (or at least not in any detail)
> 	c.  Everybody thinks their question is really difficult and needs
> 	a guru to answer it.

OK, how's this then:

'Normal' users (like myself) post to the 'user' list.

Access to the guru list is restricted to Maintainers, Administrators
of reasonable sized installations etc.

If someone who is on the 'guru' list (ie Dwarf, Bruce, etc) thinks it
appropriate they forward ia post on the 'user' list to the guru list
with the return address of the original poster.

This way the 'easy' questions (everything is easy once you know how!)
stay on the 'user' list, and the 'hard' questions get across to the
guru list via moderators.

There could be a 'test' for access to the 'guru' list (a coupla
questions about sendmail internals, or kernel internals or something),
or it could be by invitation only.

I've been thinking about the entire newbie/documentation thing a lot
lately. There has to be a way for newbies to get into the
/usr/doc/*/*gz files before they know about gzip, zcat and zless. And
there has to be a way of saying RTFM without being rude. 

John Foster

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