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Re: Debian generic kernal w/umsdos?


Thanks for the reply. I guess I have to make my own kernal.

The main reason I want to run Debian on a dos partition is so that I can
see unix files from the Win95 side (backups and other conveniences). The
umsdos faq says that I shouldn't expect any degradation in speed or
reliability, only size. Was this a false claim?

>I do not believe that there is a kernel with umsdos support compiled in.
> . . .
>The biggest question I have for you is "Why do you want to run Linux on a
>umsdos partition?"  The performance penalty is going to be severe.  Also
>I'm not sure that the DOS FAT is as robust as ext2.

Robin Rowe, PM  SAIC San Diego rower@ise1.saic.com 619-225-3107
R&D in Internet video and speech recognition using Java and C++

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