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Re: Starting a GPL'ed Blackhole Service to Replace MAPS

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A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

> I'd have appreciated it if you'd included the text below *before* your
> comment ... I in no way said the choice was between BIND9 or djbdns.
> You said that.

Yes I did.  I usually consider the options for a DNS server to be:

Windows (bletch)

Everything else I've seen is dead (like dents), still in the experimental
stages (like maradns), geared towards a single purpose (like pdnsd) or
cost prohibitive - for example, the only "decent" MacOS DNS server I've
heard of costs $350 USD... I could setup 3 or 4 Linux DNS servers for
that! (using BIND 9, of course :)

> I hear over and over again that djbdns violates the "spec" ... as far
> as I've seen, this is not true: djbdns tends to follow the RFC but
> often "violates" common practice as established by BIND.

That could be it.  I hear it over and over as well, but I could be
thinking of qmail :)

> BTW, check out who's been extensively involved with BIND.  Check out
> who's been extensively involved with MAPS.  Hmmm ...

Secondary, I think.  IIRC Vixie hasn't been involved with BIND coding for

> > Show us an alternative that's
> It's *my* job to do this? :)

I didn't say it was *yours* :)  Anyone was free to answer

> http://www.maradns.org says the authoritative server is beta quality;
> I've heard others say it works fine.  I cannot speak about its
> reliability since I haven't used it yet.  Already packaged.
> "apt-cache search" is your friend.

Umm... it's not an official Debian potato package.  I'll need to look at
it, though.

Besides, the term "beta quality" lowers it's status in my eyes.  I usually
don't look at someing until it's 1.0 (or really close).  It's... unusual
zone file format will also be a problem for some people.

> http://sourceforge.net/projects/customdns/ is something I'd like to
> look at, though its readiness has got to be suspect :)  Downloading it
> now ...

It's java & geared towards a specific purpose.

The java thing kills it right there :)

> I know I've heard of at least one more project but I can't find it on
> Sourceforge.


> (BTW, why does Sourceforge use Javascript links?  They don't work in
> Konquerer ...)

They work for me.  Did you turn on JavaScript in Konqueror?

> > 2) is not djbdns.

I think I need to clarify.  When most people ask for an alternative to
BIND they get told djbdns.  Therefore I was asking for an alternative to
BIND that wan't djbdns because I already knew about it.

> In my opinion this boils down to a religious issue:

Among us geeks what doesn't :)

> some hate Dan Bernstein (and by extension his software),

It doesn't help that DJ Berstein has an abrasive personality that tends to
abandon his software when he's lost interest in it rather than pass it on
to someone.  His licensing doesn't help the issue any.

> and I hate BIND because it's a massive bloated buggy pile of crap.

It works pretty well once you get past the root exploit in it once a year
or so (BIND 8.2.2-P7 doesn't necessarily count - that's "just" a DoS).

> I don't think either of us will convince the other that he is
> incorrect :)

Yay!  We agree on something! :)

- -- 
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Phil Brutsche				    pbrutsch@tux.creighton.edu

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