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Re: Starting a GPL'ed Blackhole Service to Replace MAPS

* Phil Brutsche <pbrutsch@tux.creighton.edu> [20010724 16:29]:
> > some hate Dan Bernstein (and by extension his software),
> It doesn't help that DJ Berstein has an abrasive personality that
> tends to abandon his software when he's lost interest in it [...]
           ^^^^^^^                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Hello. Which ones, I'm curious? I'm only really familiar with Qmail and

Just to 'reinforce' what Nathan brought out, djbdns does follow the RFCs
not necessarily the BIND[1] way, which by installed base size lulls some
users into equating the BIND way as the right way.

I personally like DJB software, I find it lean, modular thus tight, and
very secure. The licensing is not GPL, and I'm a free software type
therefore the license matters very much to me, but I make the exception
in his case because I see his motive as maintaining secureness as the
paramount goal. It's not about stopping sharing, as I see it. Anyway,
giving you an insight on this side of thinking. Pax.

Lastly, I read the djbdns ML, you're right he's not touchy feely, but
sh_t, man he's not a monster either. I find him informative and
intelligent---and that's what really matters to me. His software is
really cool, for that he can say something bad about Momma any time he

[1] These charges come up repeatedly in the ISC sponsored BIND mailing
    list (which DJB participates in, and which Google archives, and are
    piped to Usenet {anyone can search/read the D.J. Bernstein rebuttals
    there}) and in the djbdns list. I have yet to see DJB fail to
    definitively rebuff the accusations that djbdns is not RFC standard.
    He'll readily point out where he deviates from the BIND way, and why
    it's good that he does.

    I heard the bad djbdns rumors too, but once I checked into it none
    of them have panned out.


John Bacalle                                f./vm. +1 212 894 3778 x1057
WUD> I know I'm different, but  from  now on I'm going to try and be the
WUD> same.  `The same as what?' The same as people who aren't different.

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