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Re: Starting a GPL'ed Blackhole Service to Replace MAPS

On Tue, Jul 24, 2001 at 02:16:57PM -0500, Phil Brutsche wrote:
> A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...
> > Isn't that like swatting a fly with a sledgehammer?
> In a way it's either that or use non-free (in the GPL sense) software that
> has gratuitous (and sometimes incompatible) extensions to the DNS spec.

I'd have appreciated it if you'd included the text below *before* your
comment ... I in no way said the choice was between BIND9 or djbdns.
You said that.
I hear over and over again that djbdns violates the "spec" ... as far
as I've seen, this is not true: djbdns tends to follow the RFC but
often "violates" common practice as established by BIND.

BTW, check out who's been extensively involved with BIND.  Check out
who's been extensively involved with MAPS.  Hmmm ...

> > I'd at least check into one of the other free DNS servers before using
> > BIND.
> Show us an alternative that's

It's *my* job to do this? :)
> 1) ready for production use

http://www.maradns.org says the authoritative server is beta quality;
I've heard others say it works fine.  I cannot speak about its
reliability since I haven't used it yet.  Already packaged.  "apt-cache
search" is your friend.
http://sourceforge.net/projects/customdns/ is something I'd like to
look at, though its readiness has got to be suspect :)  Downloading it
now ...

I know I've heard of at least one more project but I can't find it on
Sourceforge.  (BTW, why does Sourceforge use Javascript links?  They
don't work in Konquerer ...)

> 2) is not djbdns.

In my opinion this boils down to a religious issue:  some hate Dan
Bernstein (and by extension his software), and I hate BIND because
it's a massive bloated buggy pile of crap.  I don't think either of us
will convince the other that he is incorrect :)


Nathan Norman - Staff Engineer | A good plan today is better
Micromuse Ltd.                 | than a perfect plan tomorrow.
mailto:nnorman@micromuse.com   |   -- Patton

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