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Re: larry

On Sun, Feb 27, 2005 at 02:54:09AM -0600, Mr Mike wrote:
> On Saturday 26 February 2005 10:00 pm, David Pastern wrote:
> > On Sun, 2005-02-27 at 13:05 +1100, Mr Mike wrote:
> > > I went back and read the whole thread again and determined I must have
> > > missed the one where he did respond with more information...  Given that
> > > new perspective, I hereby issue a full and complete apology for being a
> > > rude and crude dumbass.
> >
> > I think I missed the post with the extra information myself to be
> > honest, no matter, he hasn't reposted, so he's either running and hiding
> > or thinking about things.
I checked l.d.o and I think that that someone else (not the OP) asked
an unrelated message on this thread.

>   2)  Linux application categories need a complete revamping to
>   break out and definitively identify a GUI Application Category
>   with nothing but X Windows capable apps.  I still find it
>   extremely annoying when I'm looking for, say, a GUI backup tool
>   like Kdar and have to look at page after page of things like tar,
>   cpio, dar, whatever that are excellent cli backup tools but NOT
>   what I'm looking for.  This would also be a good PR tool...  The
>   way it is now, the Linux community touts thousand and thousands of
>   applications when in reality, the list of applications that would
>   be of interest to 'desktop' users is only a small portion of
>   those.  The rest are programming tools, cli utilities, header and
>   include files, and you know the drill.  I teach a linux class to
>   potential new linux users and of those that have tried it in the
>   past mention this a lot.  They feel linux, in it's attempt to win
>   converts, mislead them into thinking 'all those aps' were
>   available for the desktop user.  This really needs to be addressed
>   before the linux desktop can come to really compete with the
>   others.
Debtags to the rescue.


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