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Re: Changing the default version of Ruby to be 1.9

On 01/04/2012 02:26 AM, Lucas Nussbaum wrote:
On 03/01/12 at 08:00 -0500, Sam Ruby wrote:
ruby-switch is not found using Ubuntu 11.10.

Right. I try to keep track of what Ubuntu includes or not, but that's
usually the first task to suffer when I'm too busy.
A good way to do that is to start from
and submit Ubuntu sync requests where needed.

Normally ruby-switch should be imported automatically since it should
reach Debian testing before Ubuntu's "Debian import freeze".

I downloaded debian-testing-amd64-netinst.iso with the intention of
running it inside VirtualBox.  Graphical install froze: no response
to tab keys or mouse.  Non-graphical mode puts out what appears to
be an unending stream of "INFO: kbd-mode: setting console mode to
Unicode (UTF-8)" messages.  Trying control-C produces a Segment
Fault, after which the messages resume.

Probably a virtualbox problem. Have you tried kvm, or simply using a
chroot built with debootstrap?

I was previously unaware of debootstrap, and it does look like something I could use. I'll look more into apt-cache, but I was able to get something going using:

# debootstrap testing /tmp/testing
# chroot /tmp/testing

Unfortunately, from there, I can't seem to find ruby-switch:

# cat /etc/debian_version

# cat /etc/apt/sources.list
deb http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian testing main

# apt-get install ruby-switch
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
E: Unable to locate package ruby-switch

Did I miss a step?

If you can provide me with reproduction instructions for the apt-listbugs problem that you have found, I will debug it with the intent of providing a patch that will work with both Ruby 1.8 and Ruby 1.9.

Rails 2.3 is not out yet, but if somebody can point me to the
instructions on building a package that will be accepted, I will see
what I can do.

Uh? Rails 2.3 was released a long time ago.

My bad. It was released so long ago, I mentally mapped it to 3.2 which should be releasing its second release candidate sometime today. In fact, I am in the process of updating Agile Web Developing with Rails for 3.2:


Other than the mention of "harsh words", the first paragraph of "Where do we go from here?" in the following blog post very much applies to me:


I am both a fan of Debian based distributions (in particular Ubuntu), and of Ruby, and am willing to invest time in bringing Debian up to date in the hopes that such effort will eventually be picked up by Ubuntu.

However, for me that does not mean preparing a package for Rails 2.3 which was released in 2009 with the hopes that it will be included in Ubuntu in 2013.

My current installation instructions tell people to use rvm. When Rails 4.0 comes out, I will likely update that to say rbenv. If there is any way that we can work together and I can make that apt-get install, I would very much like that.


- Sam Ruby

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