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Re: Let's stop feeding the NVidia cuckoo

Måns Rullgård <mru@inprovide.com> wrote:
> Matthew Garrett <mgarrett@chiark.greenend.org.uk> writes:
>> Right. If I create an image and only save it as a JPEG (say I've taken a
>> picture with a digital camera and then overlayed some text on top of
>> it), is that sufficient to satisfy DFSG 1?
> No, for a photograph the source is the actual physical object you've
> made a picture of, so a photograph can never be free.  Either this, or
> a photograph should be considered as source.

I'm having difficulty reconciling these two statements.

> In your case, your best bet would probably be to provide the
> photograph without the text, or (even better) provide the image in a
> more advanced format (e.g. XCF) with the photograph and text in
> different layers.

That still results in one layer being a JPEG (effectively). Is that JPEG
able to satisfy the source requirements? Requiring layered formats for
source is also going to result in PNGs being non-free in many cases.

Matthew Garrett | mjg59-chiark.mail.debian.legal@srcf.ucam.org

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