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Re: Final Draft: Interpretive Guideline regarding DFSG clause 3

Branden Robinson <branden@debian.org> writes:

> Some people like who?  That people can still get Debian packages of the
> manuals if they want them doesn't mean that moving a package from main
> to non-free is more than a bookkeeping change.  It is also an
> acknowledgement that said package is not (completely) Free.

Sunnavind seemed to think that it doesn't really hurt anyone to just
set the text limit to zero bytes, in the message
<[🔎] MDAEMON-F200112122218.AA182117md50001069226@any-mail.co.uk>).

> There is one possible exception.  The Debian Manifesto bears no
> copyright notice (though it is explicitly authored by Ian Murdock), and
> is not explicitly mentioned by the doc-debian/copyright file.  Therefore
> it might be in license limbo, unless he's made a statement about its
> licensing in the past.  Or maybe the document belongs to the Project.

I think Ian Murdock would be happy to say it belongs to the Project.
(That's just a guess.)  In which case, we can distribute it under
whatever terms we choose, and it's no obstacle to anything.

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