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Re: konqeror bugs of note *stable*

On Sat, Apr 07, 2001 at 06:24:32PM +0100, David Morgan wrote:

> Assuming you have got the OpenSSL package installed then I bet the
> problem is that you are running WWWOFFLE as a cacheing proxy. T..

> .. tests show that Konq is OK with SSL, Netscape and WWWOFFLE are OK with
> SSL, but Konq and WWWOFFLE doesn't work on SSL sites. I've tried
> different permutations of SSL level but the result seems the sam..

> ..sue doesn't seem to have caught peoples attention. Perhaps it is just
> newcomers who run WWWOFFLE? It is part of the Debian Potato standard
> installation set.

No, many laptop users do as well. WWWOFFLE is _perfect_ for a laptop
environment. You can subscribe to web sites and visit them (or have your
whole network visit them) when you're offline. You can configure WWWOFFLE
to download the stuff regularly (I've done this with slashdot, misc.
documentation sites (php.net, zope docs, etc.). Plus, you can browse your
whole cache when offline.

WWWOFFLE is a little bit strange when under load, i.e. it doesn't really
replace Squid (and it doesn't want to either) 

Having said that, I'm having the same problems. I vote for giving Konqueror 
seperate configs for HTTPS and HTTP. Or don't proxy HTTPS at all if that
doesn't work.

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