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survival skills for teenage geeks

On Fri, 2003-01-17 at 19:41, Vikki Roemer wrote:
> The church my family goes to has a youth group for teenagers.  My
> parents decided that I need to socialize with kids my own age, so they
> "suggested" (it was voluntary, but I figure resistance is futile) that
> I join.  So I did.  *shrug*

The nice thing about Christianity is that there are so many different
varieties of it to choose from, and someone from every sect has written
polemics against every other sect.

So all you need to do is find a few books that purport to discredit
whatever variety of Christianity your church adheres to, and then start
advancing arguments from those books in your youth group meetings.  If
you play your cards right, nobody in the group will want to socialize
with you, and you might even get kicked out for being a corrupting

(Warning: If this is a Catholic youth group being led by an aspiring
Jesuit, this technique may backfire.)

"The way Perl manages to suck so bad and yet still be marginally useful
is probably what makes it the perfect complement to Unix itself." --jwz
// seth gordon // sethg@ropine.com // http://ropine.com/sethg/cv.html //

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