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Re: long lengths of text with no selectors

It was thus said that the Great David Griffith once stated:
> I've run into a problem with making my IF Archive gopher mirror nicer. 
> I have a script that converts index files into gophermap files.  Usually a 
> block of text describing a file is no taller than 15 lines or so.  In a 
> few places are much taller stretches of text, usually in a form that 
> translates to a bulleted list.  My problem is that the standard Gopher 
> client skips over these long stretches of text with no selector to the 
> next selector, missing the content in the middle.  How can I avoid this?
> To see this in action, go to gopher.661.org and burrow over to 
> gopher://gopher.661.org/1/if-archive/emulators/trs80

  What do you mean by "standard Gopher client"?  Because I tried three
different gopher clients:

	* Lynx
	* iGopher (on the iPad)
	* custom written gopher client

and each of them had no problems with the page listed.  I see a bunch of
IFDB entry links, followed by some text and a bullet list, followed by some
more text.  


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