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Re: get software list of one software repository


You might be surprised, but all active uploaders are actually subscribed
to the mailinglist you wrote this mail to (which is how I got the mail)
as that is the point of having a mailinglist as maintainer… Sending
mails to them explicitely is therefore not only unneeded but can also be
considered rude by them (so dropping them all from CC).

On Mon, Sep 07, 2015 at 10:08:04AM +0800, mudongliang wrote:
> What I want to ask is how to get software list of someone software
> repository(for example , google chrome software repository) through
> command line!

I am sure you can answer this question with aptitude and search terms:

Just because I see suggestions of working with /var/lib/apt/lists files
directly – that is discouraged. In /experimental (so probably in
/stretch) you could do to avoid hardcoding certain filenames:

grep-dctrl --no-field-names -sPackage -P '' $(apt-get indextargets
"Repo-URI: http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/"; "Created-By:
Packages" --format '$(FILENAME)')

But well, thats more a joke than a serious answer. Eventually 'apt list'
could be extended to support this and other usecases with the same or
similar to what aptitude has at the moment, but for now you can't answer
the question with apt alone.

I wonder through why someone has this question – after all you usually
add a repository to get a specific package, you don't add a repository
"just in case". And to see if a package is in a certain repostory (and
in which version) you can use "apt-cache policy pkgname".

Best regards

David Kalnischkies

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