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Dringend Unterstützung gesucht! Invitación Curso de Google y Redes Sociales para Empresas Mīļais, uzņammā īstos ikrus te un tūlīt Sizin Kazanma Fiyat İddia! Peça Infantil A Cigarra e a Formiga na Barra ¿Quieres ser competitivo? Aprende Ingles en 32 semanas Fucaslpedad to poh apt_0.8.15.7_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable apt_0.8.15.8_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable apt_0.8.16~exp6_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into experimental apt_0.8.16~exp6_amd64.changes is NEW ATTENTION WEB-MAIL USER Bug#137433: ¡Advertencia! Virus en esta cuenta! Bug#179868: marked as done (Manual intervention necessary for reordering of sources.list to take effect) Bug#246144: marked as done (apt-cache should validate commandline args before parsing the package data) Bug#249017: marked as done (apt-get has no mean to set "hold" flag) Bug#254691: marked as done (/usr/bin/apt-get: apt-get thinks of multiple versions of a package as multiple providing packages) Bug#262887: marked as done ("apt-get --purge remove ..." purges package before uninstalling depending package) Bug#266959: marked as done (aptitude: remove packages in proper order) Bug#283354: marked as done (apt: I want "hold" option) Bug#323558: marked as done (build-dep shows a real package as virtual with two identical canidates) Bug#329882: marked as done (apt-get source priorities changed in newer version?) Bug#335615: marked as done (Infinite recursion in pkgAcquire::UriIterator::operator++()) Bug#344307: marked as done (apt-get FATAL -> Could not set non-blocking flag Bad file descriptor (on chrooted fs)) Bug#346068: marked as done (apt-get barfs on locally rebuilt package) Bug#353290: marked as done (reinstall: Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration) Bug#357092: marked as done (apt-cache add: E: Unimplemented) Bug#365398: marked as done (apt-get fails when using ramfs) Bug#390449: please consider including debian-edu-archive-keys handling Bug#435662: closed by David Kalnischkies <> (Close: apt: wants to install more packages even if the dependencies are satisfied) Bug#435662: marked as done (apt: wants to install more packages even if the dependencies are satisfied) Bug#471771: Progress? Bug#492951: marked as done (E: Couldn't determine free space in . - statvfs (75 Value too large for defined data type)) Bug#515874: marked as done (wajig pretend to install depends of the upgrade version of an hold package) Bug#516303: marked as done (apt downloaded (or created?) a 10 gigabyte diffindex file) Bug#521073: (no subject) Bug#521073: marked as done (apt: apt-get fails on large files (>2GB) using http method) Bug#525074: marked as done (/var/log/apt/term.log is mode 0600) Bug#538848: marked as done (/etc/apt/sources.list.d/* ignored) Bug#538968: marked as done (Can't install grub-pc) Bug#540227: marked as done (Couldn't configure pre-depend libc6-i386 for lib32stdc++6, probably a dependency cycle.) Bug#544884: marked as done (E: Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on libgcc1) Bug#559328: marked as done (libc6: Upgrading to new libc-bin fails with message "E: Conf Broken libc-bin") Bug#559733: marked as done (Conf libc-bin broken Breaks:libc6) Bug#572169: marked as done (/usr/bin/apt-get: apt-get breaks on upgrade) Bug#595138: marked as done (apt: multiarch installation complains about removed but not purged packages) Bug#597301: marked as done (apt should not ignore NotAutomatic and ButAutomaticUpgrades if key is missing) Bug#607958: marked as done (E: Encountered a section with no Package: header) Bug#621836: marked as done (exim4: Could not perform immediate configuration) Bug#624218: Processed: Reopening #624218: apt: No option to completely disable TranslationIndex downloads Bug#636292: Bug#641769: [apt] fetches InRelease file, problematic on several mirrors (aka "Packages Hash Sum mismatch") Bug#636292: MD5Sum mismatch is due to multiple DNS queries! Bug#636292: Similar bug Bug#637648: marked as done (apt-transport-https: ignores HTTP Basic Auth credentials) Bug#638024: [apt] APT::Default-Release considers equivalent suite Bug#639022: confirmar la recepción Bug#639290: another example Bug#639290: APT resolution issue occurs even without libc6 in the loop Bug#639290: marked as done (upgrade from squeeze to wheezy fails on i386 (pre-depends loop)) Bug#639290: upgrade from squeeze to wheezy fails on i386 (pre-depends loop) Bug#639689: marked as done (can't upgrade perl APT::Immediate-Configure) Bug#639897: Please don't check /proc/mounts Bug#639964: apt: 639964: SPACEflight sources.list no longer accepted by apt Bug#639964: apt: regression from sources with no component give error processing Release file Bug#640122: apt-get ignores apt.conf option "Acquire::Max-ValidTime" on amd64 Bug#640122: marked as done (apt-get ignores apt.conf option "Acquire::Max-ValidTime" on amd64) Bug#640590: akonadi-backend-postgresql: package removal fails Bug#641192: apt-utils: apt-ftparchive outputs wrong file size to Packages for a large package (size > 4GB) on a 64bit system Bug#641192: marked as done (apt-utils: apt-ftparchive outputs wrong file size to Packages for a large package (size > 4GB) on a 64bit system) Bug#641245: /etc/apt/preferences file parse error if all lines are commented out Bug#641490: apt-get man page language/grammar improvement Bug#641769: [apt] fetches InRelease file, problematic on several mirrors (aka "Packages Hash Sum mismatch") Bug#641967: apt downloads Translation-de even if Acquire::Languages=none Bug#641990: Clean never option does not work Bug#641990: marked as done (Clean never option does not work) Bug#642407: apt: a-g source foo=version doesn't honour the =version part Bug#642480: (no subject) Bug#642480: apt-key uses gpg --list-sigs instead of --check-sigs Bug#642480: marked as done (apt-key uses gpg --list-sigs instead of --check-sigs) Bug#642480: reopened as cryptographic validation used in apt-key net-update is broken Bug#642657: tasksel: "Standard" task should include bzip2 Bug#643787: apt-cache policy in non-default locale very slow Bug#81829: segfaults even after rm /var/cache/apt/*.bin [SOLVED] Bug#81829: segfaults even after rm /var/cache/apt/*.bin Business proposal for you checking apt repositories for glitches CONFIDENTIEL confirmar la recepción FANIL NOTICE Fifa documents Finanziamenti per privati autonomi e pensionati GOLD DEAL greeting How does apt invoke dpkg ? Our family reserves. Parallel downloads - yes! Processed: affects 639290 Processed: forcibly merging 639290 640111 Processed: please consider including debian-edu-archive-keys handling Processed: Re: Bug#641769: [apt] fetches InRelease file, problematic on several mirrors (aka "Packages Hash Sum mismatch") Processed: reassign 640111 to apt Processed: reopen apt-key bug Processed: Reopening #624218: apt: No option to completely disable TranslationIndex downloads Processing of apt_0.8.15.7_amd64.changes Processing of apt_0.8.15.8_amd64.changes Processing of apt_0.8.16~exp6_amd64.changes Registry Easy, fix your pc up grade your account now USA INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR INVITATION You have exceeded the storage limit The last update was on 09:02 GMT Wed Aug 07. There are 168 messages. Page 1 of 1.

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