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Re: apt transition - please bump urgency of libept

Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw) wrote:
> On 17-12-2007 18:35, Joerg Jaspert wrote:
>> On 11236 March 1977, Steve Langasek wrote:
>>> On Mon, Dec 17, 2007 at 09:48:48AM +0100, Enrico Zini wrote:
>>>> So, as maintainer of C++ packages that use apt and are involved in apt
>>>> transitions every so often, I would like to have some sort of handy way
>>>> to know "you're free to upload to sid" or "hang on a sec, or upload to
>>>> experimental".  A way that possibly doesn't require following both
>>>> deity@ and debian-release@ regularly.
>>> - run the commands "grep-excuses libept; grep-excuses libept/i386"
>>> - look for any Depends: lines
>>> - look at the testing transition page for those dependencies on
>>>   bjorn.haxx.se: http://bjorn.haxx.se/debian/testing.pl?package=apt- if it looks hairy, ask
>>> That's going to catch 99% of the problematic cases, and is far more scalable
>>> than to have the release team try to notify all affected maintainers
>>> whenever there's an ongoing transition.  (Perhaps not more scalable than
>>> having dput warn, but the above is something any maintainer can do for
>>> themselves today.)
>> I guess there is no scriptable way to do that? Ie. if it would be
>> scriptable without too much guesses here and there I would love to add
>> something into process-new that shows me if there is anything related to
>> transitions with the package I just look at. Which would show such
>> things as the cwidgets upload, or other uploads where the library
>> package name changes due to soname, but where it would be better to
>> wait a day or two more before it gets accepted to let the old version
>> transition first, together with whatever depends on it...
> 	Just for the record, if it is scriptable, would make sense
> to add such script in devscripts and advertise it to become common
> practice, like "run lintian"?

Well like Steve said already, we should promote running grep-excuses and
maybe point people at documentation if they don't understand it's output :-)



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