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Bug#167899: apt: Another case of repeated 'updates' to the same version

Unfortunately, my patch didn't solve all of the problem: Because
selection of the preferred version in GetCandidateVer() depended on the
status file to be the last of a set of same versions (which needs not be
true any longer), all (same) versions that came after it were not 

Appended is a corrected version of the patch, that now enables apt to 
fully cope with identically named but different versions of a package.

Regards, Daniel

diff -ur apt-0.5.4/apt-pkg/pkgcachegen.cc apt-0.5.4.new/apt-pkg/pkgcachegen.cc
--- apt-0.5.4/apt-pkg/pkgcachegen.cc	2001-07-02 00:28:24.000000000 +0200
+++ apt-0.5.4.new/apt-pkg/pkgcachegen.cc	2003-01-22 15:56:36.000000000 +0100
@@ -139,38 +139,47 @@
-      /* We already have a version for this item, record that we
-         saw it */
+      /* We already have a version for this item, 
+	   move on through the same version set */
       unsigned long Hash = List.VersionHash();
-      if (Res == 0 && Ver->Hash == Hash)
+      while (Res == 0)
-	 if (List.UsePackage(Pkg,Ver) == false)
-	    return _error->Error(_("Error occured while processing %s (UsePackage2)"),PackageName.c_str());
-	 if (NewFileVer(Ver,List) == false)
-	    return _error->Error(_("Error occured while processing %s (NewFileVer1)"),PackageName.c_str());
-	 // Read only a single record and return
-	 if (OutVer != 0)
+	 // Stop if we found an identical version
+	 if (Ver->Hash == Hash)
-	    *OutVer = Ver;
-	    return true;
+	    if (List.UsePackage(Pkg,Ver) == false)
+	       return _error->Error(_("Error occured while processing %s (UsePackage2)"),PackageName.c_str());
+	    if (NewFileVer(Ver,List) == false)
+	       return _error->Error(_("Error occured while processing %s (NewFileVer1)"),PackageName.c_str());
+	    // Read only a single record and return
+	    if (OutVer != 0)
+	    {
+	       *OutVer = Ver;
+	       return true;
+	    }
+	    break;
-	 continue;
-      }      
-      // Skip to the end of the same version set.
-      if (Res == 0)
-      {
-	 for (; Ver.end() == false; Last = &Ver->NextVer, Ver++)
+	 else
-	    Res = Cache.VS->CmpVersion(Version,Ver.VerStr());
-	    if (Res != 0)
+	    _error->Warning("Warning: There are different versions of %s with the same version string!",PackageName.c_str());
+	    // Move on towards the end of the same version set	     
+	    Last = &Ver->NextVer;
+	    Ver++;
+	    if (Ver.end()) 
+	    Res = Cache.VS->CmpVersion(Version,Ver.VerStr());
+      // An identical version had been found and handled
+      if (Res == 0 && Ver.end() == false && Ver->Hash == Hash)
+	 continue;
       // Add a new version
       *Last = NewVersion(Ver,Version,*Last);
       Ver->ParentPkg = Pkg.Index();
diff -ur apt-0.5.4/apt-pkg/policy.cc apt-0.5.4.new/apt-pkg/policy.cc
--- apt-0.5.4/apt-pkg/policy.cc	2001-05-28 01:40:56.000000000 +0200
+++ apt-0.5.4.new/apt-pkg/policy.cc	2003-01-22 16:15:04.000000000 +0100
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
 #include <apt-pkg/strutl.h>
 #include <apt-pkg/error.h>
 #include <apt-pkg/sptr.h>
+#include <apt-pkg/version.h>
 #include <apti18n.h>
@@ -134,6 +135,7 @@
       tracks the default when the default is taken away, and a permanent
       pin that stays at that setting.
+   string CurrentVersion;
    for (pkgCache::VerIterator Ver = Pkg.VersionList(); Ver.end() == false; Ver++)
       for (pkgCache::VerFileIterator VF = Ver.FileList(); VF.end() == false; VF++)
@@ -156,11 +158,20 @@
       if (Pkg.CurrentVer() == Ver && Max < 1000)
+	 CurrentVersion = Ver.VerStr();
+      else if (CurrentVersion.empty())
+	 continue;
+      /* We have come to the currently installed version. Continue if
+	 there are more versions with the same version string. */
+      pkgCache::VerIterator Next = Ver;
+      Next++;
+      if (Next.end() || Cache->VS->CmpVersion(CurrentVersion,Next.VerStr()) != 0)
 	 /* Elevate our current selection (or the status file itself)
 	    to the Pseudo-status priority. */
 	 if (Pref.end() == true)
-	    Pref = Ver;
+	    Pref = Pkg.CurrentVer();
 	 Max = 1000;
 	 // Fast path optimize.

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