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Bug#167899: apt: Another case of repeated 'updates' to the same version

On Tue, 21 Jan 2003, Daniel Müller wrote:

> It can't be very useful to install the same package version over and
> over, so why should apt do it?

It is, though. APT is an upgrade tool, it tries to bring you into
syncronization with the debian archive, so if you have a package that
is not in sync it should be updated. There are various user initated ways
to prevent updating, but no way to initiate update if this feature doesn't
> The reason why it did in my case was caused by different .debs with
> the same version string but mismatching headers, like you said, but
> actually there were only two of them. The third was the status file,

Ah, yeah, kind of a degenerate case though.


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