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Re: apt https method v2

On Mon, 8 Apr 2002, Jason Gunthorpe wrote:

> > On Fri, 5 Apr 2002, Jason Gunthorpe wrote:
> >
> > > I'm not convinced that introducing the new Connection class instead of
> > > changing the semantics of CircleBuf is really best. Seems to add alot of
> > > extra text all over the place. If you look at carefully, the only reason
> > > serverstate has the FD at all is so it can call select. It only needs the
> > > FD for this, and it does not need the other baggage.
> > Um. So what should I do with this Select salad? In the present http-cc
> > code it's taking in up to three Fds:
> Didn't you already answer this email?

Actually, no :-)))

> Anyhow, the select salad is a select salad because that is how select was
> designed.

I just got the idea how to implement one in OO. You know: Latice, Tomatos,
Olives etc.

> > that returns a filehandle on which we can play those select tricks.
> > This could be easily done but if we do that then we're only _acting_
> > like being OO.
> Which is probably best. I use Classes and C++ for purely pragmatic
> reasons, in my experiance the conventional theoretical wisdom about OO
> design does hold up well for complete OO systems, but on C++, interfacing
> with C code that is rarely the case.
> The situation you pose above is quite typical, and you have to decide,
> what it is more important, a pure OO design, or a pragmatic solution that
> is much shorter?
> So, yes, we are only _acting_ like pure OO, but we are doing this because
> it gives a net decrease in LOC and a gain in maintainability. Also, yes,
> if you try and apply OO design concepts to what I have done you can
> easially conclude that alot of the classes are needless, may have
> unclearly defined purposes, etc, etc - BUT taken together I belive it
> represents the lowest LOC and has a good level of understandability.


-rw-r--r--    1 tpo      tpo         11045 Apr  3 12:45 apt_0.5.4-0.1.diff.gz
-rw-r--r--    1 tpo      tpo         15455 Apr  9 00:19 apt_0.5.4-0.2.diff.gz

But OK, I'm no C++/OO wizard.

I got an idea how to implement the select mess and it would be nice to do
it in an efficient way. We'll see.

> Hope this helps,

Yes, thanks. It sucks, but I'm learning ;-)

Some fanatics, killed 3100 [1] civilians. Upon which their civilised
national state country killed 3100 of their [2]. Which party would you
prefer as a your friend? Which one do you think is the less likely to
kill you?

[1] http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,176540,00.html
[2] http://pubpages.unh.edu/~mwherold/AfghanDailyCount.xls

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