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I think you guys are doing a great job with APT. I'm not able to use APT all
the time though. I have a LAN and a dial-up (local calls aren't free). I
want to be able to share the packages I download with other people on the
LAN. At the moment I'm using ftp which works quite well, even keeping the
directory structure, so I only need to keep the Packages.gz files on my
computer up to date, other people can then effectively get the files from my
computer after I downloaded them from Debian mirrors. I also noticed that
http mirrors are quite a lot faster than ftp but sadly I can't use the ftp
method for http.

Couldn't you guys develop a small add-on that makes APT keep the files
downloaded even after installed, in the same structure as on the Debian
mirrors, including the Packages.gz files?

If you guys think it's a dumb idea I'll probably learn C and try modify the
source of the existing APT.

Sarel Botha

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