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Re: I'm back and have time for deity

>>>>> "Manoj" == Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@datasync.com> writes:

    Tom> Hi! I've been lurking around here for quite a while, because
    Tom> I had lots of work to do. But, now I don't, so I have lots of
    Tom> time for deity. So, my question is, what can I do to help?

    Ben> Most of the current issues are about APT's ftp method. It
    Ben> currently uses a very sub-par Perl module which has no error
    Ben> catching whatsoever.
    Manoj> 	I hope you mean net::FTP and not the ftp method
    Manoj> itself. When I get back from the trip, I shall be putting a
    Manoj> lot more defensive code into the ftp module; It would still
    Manoj> barf on errors, but when the error bubbles out, I can try
    Manoj> to recover a trifle more gracefully.

Oops! Indeed I do mean Net::FTP that's subpar; your coding is
wonderful (even if it doesn't yet deal with the horrible erroring
out that Net::FTP does).


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