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New screenshot

Quick little sreenshot:

Tigert, if you have any ideas for the icons, they are all in XPM format
16x16 and right now there are ones for:

checkoff.xpm    downgrade.xpm   radiooff.xpm    suggests.xpm
checkon.xpm     minus.xpm       radioon.xpm     upgrade.xpm
conflicts.xpm   package.xpm     recommends.xpm
depends.xpm     plus.xpm        section.xpm

Check{off,on} is a check box image (set and unset)
conflicts,depends,recommends,sugggests are dependancy icons 
minus, plus are expansion and contraction indicators for the tree
radio{off,on} are radio button controls for the tree
section is the section heading icon
upgrade, downgrade are arrows shown beside the version number

I don't have much thought on what would be a good representation for
these items feel free to ask if you want ideas!

Oh, Behan, have you been getting list emails recently? I sent about 4
recently .. 


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