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Bug#182704: Debconf configuration sets use_fbdev without asking, making X unstartable

On Fri, Feb 28, 2003 at 10:04:53PM +0100, Michel D?nzer wrote:
> > Uh, so it sounds like you're telling me that /proc/fb is essentially
> > useless for autoconfiguring the X server.
> > 
> > 1) /proc/fb reporting something doesn't mean you can just switch on
> >    "UseFBDev", because that won't work with "generic [kernel] drivers"
> I do think parsing /proc/fb to determine this is feasible, we just need
> to gather enough data.

Well, why don't you get me started with some, and we can add more as
time goes by?

> > 2) people using "generic [kernel] drivers" could use any X server video
> >    driver, potentially, so their case works the same as people who
> >    aren't using a kernel framebuffer driver at all
> Sure, the same is even true for people using a non-generic framebuffer
> device.
> > This is extremely disappointing.  It makes successful X server
> > autoconfiguration essentially a crap shoot.
> Things like the PCI ID are certainly better suited for
> autoconfiguration.

xserver-xfree86.config already uses Discover for this purpose, but what
video card(s) you have in your box is orthogonal to whether you're using
a kernel framebuffer driver, or one that is particular to your video

G. Branden Robinson                |    I must despise the world which does
Debian GNU/Linux                   |    not know that music is a higher
branden@debian.org                 |    revelation than all wisdom and
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |    philosophy. -- Ludwig van Beethoven

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