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[kabi@informatics.muni.cz: xserver-svga]

I don't think this person has been keeping up with the news; I turned all
the old drivers back on in xserver-svga a few versions ago.

----- Forwarded message from Zdenek Kabelac <kabi@informatics.muni.cz> -----

From: Zdenek Kabelac <kabi@informatics.muni.cz>
To: branden@debian.org
Subject: xserver-svga
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 14:11:57 +0100 (CET)
Delivered-To: branden@localhost.deadbeast.net
Delivered-To: branden@deadbeast.net
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4ME+ PL73 (25)]
Message-Id: <E13wOpZ-0006Vs-00@dual.fi.muni.cz>

Hi Brande

Great work you have made with your new xserver package - however
I would like to know why have you removed MGA driver from SVGA server.
I know there is an option for Matrox's users to use DRI
XFree86 acceleration however in few cases I really need to use 32bit
accelerated graphics - and for this reason I'm still using UtahGLX.
I'm holding some older version of svga xserver from slink for this reason 
(because the latest -11 with MGA was overwritten by your new packages without
mga driver and I couldn't find this on any mirror).

So I would like to know if there is a specific reason to exclude MGA
driver from you xserver-svga package of if you could add at least
this driver to you setup (not to mentioning, that in few situation
it looks like Xfree 4.0 seems to be slower that 3.3.6)

Also is there a replacement package for xbooks ?


             There are three types of people in the world:
               those who can count, and those who can't.
  Zdenek Kabelac  http://i.am/kabi/ kabi@i.am {debian.org; fi.muni.cz}

----- End forwarded message -----

G. Branden Robinson            |      One man's theology is another man's
Debian GNU/Linux               |      belly laugh.
branden@deadbeast.net          |      -- Robert Heinlein
http://deadbeast.net/~branden/ |

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