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Re: libglu

> the gl lib in the phase1 debs conflicts with libutahglx (indirectly) but
> doesn't provide the libglu.so file (so none of the xscreensaver
> screensavers work, b/c they require glut).  Copying out the lib from
> libutahglx allows them to work, and they seem slightly accelerated (using
> recent matrox driver), but my g200 is slow, so I can't really tell if it's
> accelerated (as all i have to compare it to is a geforce2 ddr I had at
> work).  I'm assuming libglu is just an indriection library and it relies
> on the underlying libgl, so that it would be accelerated.

Hey W4R3Z 80Y,

This issue has already been covered on this list.  The mesa Debian
maintainer will be splitting out libGLU into its own package.  After that
there will be no problem.

G. Branden Robinson             |    There's nothing an agnostic can't do
Debian GNU/Linux                |    if he doesn't know whether he believes
branden@debian.org              |    in it or not.
http://www.debian.org/~branden/ |    -- Graham Chapman

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