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Wiki authentification [Was: Summary from the debian www/wiki BoF at DC14]


Many thanks to Steve and the www/wiki/video teams for the BoF and this

On 10/09/2014 19:25, Steve McIntyre wrote:
> debian-wiki
> ===========
> [snip]
> Questions about account setup, clarified that account holders in the
> wiki don't need to be DDs. Sign-ups are free for anyone who cares -
> please join in!
> [snip]
> Special sprint / BSP for web/wiki?
> ==================================
> [snip]
> A good example of this is the up-coming semi-planned switch to
> single-sign-on for the wiki. We'd like to get away from the separate
> accounts that everybody has. SSO is something we've been wanting to do
> for ages, but short of manpower. We'll be working on migration when we
> find some time.
> [snip]

Since the question of authentication is on the table (and sorry if it
has already been asked, I didn't find any thread related to that on
d-www), I was wondering why the different wikis (wiki, debconf, maybe
others) each have their own accounts for non-dd contributors.

The problem for DD (and for alioth members IIUC) appears to be solved by
SSO. But for contributors, I see no plan of centralizing accounts.

I was wondering if using (for example) alioth as a central account
manager for *all* (non-dd?) contributors was not done:
a) because someone has to do it (and it depends on SSO being enabled),
b) for technical/political reasons,
c) because signing in alioth is a couple more clicks harder than signing
in a wiki,
d) because migrating all the existing accounts would be (more or less)
e) some other reason I haven't thought of.

To me, c) & d) aren't really relevant, and I'm not competent about b)
and e)...

fabien (captnfab on IRC)

PS: I'm new to the list (but I'm on the list, so no need to CC me), and
I am not a DD.

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