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Re: debiancd.org


* Alexander Reichle-Schmehl <tolimar@debian.org> [2010-08-03 16:18:24 CEST]:
> * Kum G. <lista-nospam@kumgabor.hu> [100803 12:21]:
> > - I filled in the CD vendor submission form 
> > (http://www.debian.org/CD/vendors/adding-form) some weeks ago, but my 
> > submission was not accepted, and I don't know why
> Hmmm... To the best of my knowlede, these submissions should end up on
> the debian-www list, but I can't find you there.

 No, they shouldn't. :) Mainly they go to Richard Atterer who was
working on that front over the years. I though can't find the mail in
the webmaster archive mailbox where I would expect them, I have to
investigate further. Please be patient with me, haven't digged through
all the fineprints in that area yet.

> Kum, do you know when you filled the vendor submission form?
> Debian-www folks, could you please check, if it's working?

 I see the recent submitted entry from August 3rd in a special daily
rotated file so in principle it got received. I don't know though wether
there is an issue with having it forwarded like expected, from a quick
look I was unable to find it anyplace else yet.

 Thanks for bringing this up - I hope that I can investigate the issue
further soonish.

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