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Re: debiancd.org

Hi Kum!

* Kum G. <lista-nospam@kumgabor.hu> [100803 12:21]:

> We started a project (debiancd.org) some weeks ago, we are sending 
> factory-made Debian CDs (almost) worldwide, but we have some problems:

Let's deal with that in a seperate mail.

> - I filled in the CD vendor submission form 
> (http://www.debian.org/CD/vendors/adding-form) some weeks ago, but my 
> submission was not accepted, and I don't know why

Hmmm... To the best of my knowlede, these submissions should end up on
the debian-www list, but I can't find you there.

Kum, do you know when you filled the vendor submission form?
Debian-www folks, could you please check, if it's working?

> - We want to give our profit to the Debian Project. How is it possible? Or 
> write to SPI?

Donating your profits to SPI is certainly not wrong, as it handles
Debian's donations in the USA.  However, if you are based in Hungary (as
I suspect by your .hu address), it might (I don't know exactly) be
easier / cheaper to donate to our German association FFIS.  See
http://www.debian.org/donations#money_donations and
http://www.ffis.de/Verein/spi-en.html for details.

Best Regards,

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