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Bug#567781: Converting English wml files to utf-8?


Am 02.06.2010 10:56, schrieb Alexander Reichle-Schmehl:

> Which parts of the news entries would that be?  I only know some RSS
> feeds created from wml files, but I guess it would be possible to solve
> that problem by telling the RSS creation script that the created RSS
> feed is utf-8 encoded.

Got answer via irc:  All content, that is added to some overview pages
(as the English text is taken for translated overview pages, if the
document hasn't been translated, yet).

That would be for

english/News/:  All <define-tag pagetitle>foo</define-tag>

english/News/weekly/:  All the SUMMARY="foo" of the "#use
wml::debian::weeklynews::header"; headers (respectively ::projectnews::).

I'll try to look over them ASAP and report back.

Best regards,

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