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Re: debian.org doesn't recognise language of konqueror

Richard Atterer <richard@2006.atterer.net> writes:

>> Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/3.5; Linux; de) KHTML/3.5.4 (like 
>> Gecko) (Debian)
> That's the "User-Agent" header sent by Konqueror, which is *not* the header 
> that a conforming HTTP server should use to decide on the language to 
> serve.
> Instead, the "Accept-Language" header is the right one. Your Konqueror is 
> probably configured incorrectly and sends a header which states something 
> other than German as your preferred language.
> According to <http://www.debian.org/intro/cn#konqueror>, you need to select 
> German as your preferred language in the KDE control center.

Hi Richard,

oddly, the debian.org-site works for me if I choose to not include any
of the information but the language in my User-Agent-header.  So when it
looks like:

  Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/3.5; de) KHTML/3.5.4 (like Gecko)

I get debian.org in german language.

And yes, I selected german as my preferred language in the kde control
center.  So something is going wrong here, either being the fault of
Konqueror or of debian.org.  Dunno.


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