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Re: debian.org doesn't recognise language of konqueror

Hi Olli,

On Mon, Aug 21, 2006 at 05:46:00PM +0200, Oliver Heins wrote:
> Konqueror's »Browserkennung« (sorry, I don't know the appropriate english 
> term for this and neither does leo.org) looks something like this:
> Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/3.5; Linux; de) KHTML/3.5.4 (like 
> Gecko) (Debian)

That's the "User-Agent" header sent by Konqueror, which is *not* the header 
that a conforming HTTP server should use to decide on the language to 

Instead, the "Accept-Language" header is the right one. Your Konqueror is 
probably configured incorrectly and sends a header which states something 
other than German as your preferred language.

According to <http://www.debian.org/intro/cn#konqueror>, you need to select 
German as your preferred language in the KDE control center.



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