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Re: Please don't remove outdated translations if the difference isvery small

* suzume@mx82.tiki.ne.jp [2004-07-07 08:53]:
> Peter Karlsson wrote
>>And sometimes the changes are quite extensive. How is the script
>>supposed to be able to tell the difference, without empowering it with
>>some kind of artificial intelligence?
> That kind of intelligence does not have to be artificial. What about 
> the original writer estimates whether his modifications are merely 
> cosmetic or require a new translation ?

 If they are only comsetic the changer should definitely bump the
translation-check himself. This is done with the smart_change.pl script
automagically. People should definitely start to use it more often, e.g.
I really want Joey to use it for the events pages:

$> ./smart_change.pl -s 's/wml::debian::event/wml::debian::past_event/' \
$> # to look if it didn't do anything wrong
$> cvs diff -u */events/2004/0623-linuxtag.wml
$> cvs ci -m'1.3: This event is past now.' */events/2004/0623-linuxtag.wml

>>IMHO six months without any reaction from the translation team *is*
>>"way too out-dated". Personally, I would have liked to have the limit
>>be even stricter.
> And what about the translation team has other priorities than 
> considering every single spelling mistake correction of the original 
> file ? Doesn't it make sense to set priorities ?

 If it is a spelling mistake, see above. Half a year is *more* than
reasonable, no matter what priorities. It takes not even 5 minutes to do
it. If you want, I can do some script for you which fetches the diff for
you so you can work offline in the train on it....

> As far as I know there is a much larger number of text authors than of 
> text translators in any one language. The authors must be held 
> responsible in some way for the text modifications not being reflected 
> in the translation if they are merely cosmetic.

 Yes. The authors need to get educated to bump translations for typo
fixes only. This gets done more and more often. If you know about such
case feel free to bop the person at hand over the head...

> If the CVS check/resurrection is so trivial then it is the 
> responsibility of the author to do it, or another, more flexible system 
> has to be set that will stop putting unnecessary work load on 
> translation teams.

 Yes, it is the responsibility of the author to bump the translations.
So, do you have any special file at hand so we can try to educate that
author, or are we just producing hot air?

>>Ignorance is not an excuse.
> We are not talking "ignorance" here but "irrelevance". And 
> "irrelevance" is definitely an excuse.

 Its the ignorance of the author regarding the translators that we might
be talking here in this special case. Don't be too egoistic, not
everything is your fault, you know?  :)

 So long,
Bzgl. ssh - muß ich gestehen daß ich (noch) keine Ahnung habe was/warum/weshalb
"ssh" verwendet wird bzw. was das überhaupt ist.  Ich kenn die csh, die ksh und
bash und deren (leichte) Unterschiede - aber keine ssh.
  -- Erich Aigner in <3c0696c3$0$33864$5039e797@newsreader01.highway.telekom.at>

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