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Re: Debian WWW CVS commit by alfie: webwml english/devel/testing.wml german/devel/ ...

Josip Rodin:

> That's not good, because my mozilla doesn't interpret <q> as <i> but as ".

Eh, the proper way of visually rendering the <q> tag is to put
(language-dependent) quotes around the sentence. If you want to apply
more styling to it (for instance make it italics), you'll need to apply
a style sheet.

>From the HTML spec: "Visual user agents must ensure that the content of
the Q element is rendered with delimiting quotation marks."

> At first I thought that's a bug, but it occured to me that there is semantic
> difference between a <q> and a <cite>.

<cite> is not to a quotation, but a reference to a quote.

Peter - http://www.softwolves.pp.se/
  I do not read or respond to mail with HTML attachments.

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