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Simple questions

I have just started to work on the translation of the Debian WWW pages
to Catalan. I have two quite separate and very different questions:

1) Why are most Pics in the pages gif's? This is probably been
   discussed before, but it must have been before I joined the
   list. In general I stay away from gif's, and I even had to install
   the gimp-nonfree package to work on the pages!

2) After I run 'make' either on my translation, or the original
   'english' tree, I get some strange results. Basically it looks like
   the #body#: and #mainbody#: templates are not being applied
   correctly, as they show up in the middle of the pages, and the
   actual body appears after the page header and footer. This is
   strange. Could it be a wml installation default?  I just installed
   the wml package.

Thanks for your help!


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