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Re: Debian Women lunch @ DebConf 18

Hi Ulrike,

thanks for posting this summary! I'm replying to the list and not to
gobby as I'm currently offline on my back from dc18...

On Sun, Aug 05, 2018 at 06:19:00AM +0000, Ulrike Uhlig wrote:
> Mailing list & DW @ DebConf
> ===========================
> There was a proposal to merge the debian-women mailing list with the
> future debian-diversity list. Several reasons for this proposal:
> - it nowadays seems too restrictive to reduce the list to people who
>   identify as women instead [...]

while I agree with this reasoning I'd like to point out that this list
when it was started was open to all, as was the Debian women project
when it was started 13-14 years ago at DebConf4+5.

This seemed strange to me (coming from a different political background
than most people involved back then, thus I also never felt like it was
my business anyway...) though it probably made more sense back then,
when the number of female developer was a lot lower than it is today.

(The percentage is still very much in the same order of magnitude, just 
the absolute number trippled or so ;)

I'm not aware that this ever (formally) changed, though it probably has
changed informally / in the minds of the people over the years.

(And I'll continue to be a non-involved supporting bystander anyway, I
just wanted to share some bits of history here.)

two very minor remarks:

> → It would thus be great if the DW lunch took place earlier during the
> event. (hint: content team)

I believe the content team was not involved in scheduled the DW lunch.

> → It was mentioned that at previous DebConfs there were "New to DebConf"
> sessions. We think it would be great to reintroduce those. (hint:
> content team)
(I'm not sure how you mean those hints, I guess you plan to inform the
content team?)

To the topic (of "new to DebConf" sessions) what worked nicely during the
"DebCamp" days of the miniDebconf in Hamburg were daily standup meetings
where everyone (who wanted) very briefly stated what they were working
on, which helped new and 'old' people alike to better connect to others.
I'm not sure this concept can be used at a bigger debcamp, but it surely
worked well with 30-40 people.

Key points of this format are: everybody is standing (thus helping sure 
it stays short and everybody pays attention) and forming a circle, where
everyone explains very briefly (1-2 sentences, sometimes just 2-3 words) 
what they are doing or would like to do.

Then, after the circle people can approach each other and say things
like: "you seem to work on foo, i'm also interested in foo..."



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