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Re: Need help getting started with BTS cleanup

On Fri, 14 Apr 2006, Tina Isaksen wrote:
> 1) "reportbug xchat" and 
> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?which=pkg&data=xchat&archive=no&version=&dist=unstable 
> does not give the same output. I have tried to tick various filters (like 
> exclude fixed) but it seems like the filters doesn't work. Does 'fixed' and 
> 'archived' mean the bug is closed? (I guess it does since the don't show up 
> in reportbug)

Basically; archived means that the bug has been closed and can no
longer be modified.[1] fixed means that the bug has been fixed by a
non-maintainer upload. The bug should be marked closed when the
maintainer makes an upload that acknowledges the NMU.

> 2) #278682 is a nice example of an old bug. I cannot reproduce with
> current unstable and no one has posted any follow up on it. I would
> greatly appreciate an example of the recomended action.

The right way is to 1) mark the bug unreproducible and moreinfo; 2)
send a query to the submitter to ask if they're still seeing the

In your message, indicate that you will close the bug in 1-2 weeks if
there is no response, and invite the submitter to close the report if
they no longer see the behavoir.

> 3) #199962 is hardly a bug at all and is very old. This should be 
> closed... right?


> 4) A significant portion of the bugs are wishlist items. What is the
> recommended action for old wishlist items that's not incorporated
> and not commented on, for instance #225961

Generally just ignore them, unless you're the maintainer or you really
think the wishlist bug is insane. [In which case, I'd suggest marking
them wontfix in the former case and/or forwarding them upstream as
appropriate and closing them in the latter case.]

> 5) #203466 is forwarded upstream but the fwd URL is invalid. I
> cannot reproduce the problem in current unstable. I would close this
> bug..?

The ideal thing would be to try to find the right url for that bug,
and see if it had actually been fixed; however, if you can't reproduce
it, follow the same procedure as in #2.

> Sorry if some of my questions is somewhat basic, but since the whole
> idea is to reduce the confusion in the BTS and not add to it I want
> to be sure my thinking is fairly correct before I start to fire off
> mail left and right ;)

No problem; feel free to ask in the irc channel too if there are any
additional questions; someone there will know the answers.

Don Armstrong

1: Once we figure out the right way of dealing with this post
versioning, they'll be moved to the archived bug section (which you
can see using archive=yes) so they won't show up by default any more.
"The trouble with you, Ibid" he said, "is that you think you're the
biggest bloody authority on everything"
 -- Terry Pratchet _Pyramids_ p146

http://www.donarmstrong.com              http://rzlab.ucr.edu

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