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RFP/RFH: xcompmgr

Hello Debian-Women,
   As some of you may have noticed, X.Org has entered unstable recently.
With this, we now have an X server which has the Composite extension. What
is Composite? It's a nifty new extension to X which allows things like real
transparency and other cool eye candy. This extension also requires a
program named xcompmgr to work. Currently, this program is not packaged for
Debian for a few reasons:

 1) Composite is very slow right now. The X Acceleration Architecture (XAA)
    for graphics drivers wasn't properly designed to do what Composite
	needs. Currently, it is being replaced by a new architecture (EXA)
	which will start to be shipped in the next release of X.Org.
 2) While a lot of users have requested an xcompmgr package, no one has
    stepped up to maintain it in Debian.
 3) I'm personally too busy, having my hands full managing the rest of
    X.Org for Debian as of late.

   So here's where you come in! I would love to have someone from
Debian Women on the X Strike Force. This is a perfect package for someone
who's looking to get involved more deeply in Debian, but isn't sure how.

 - You'll be working on a package which will eventually be very high
   visibility, but is currently low stress. We won't be enabling Composite by
   default in Debian until upstream is good and ready for it, so you'll have a
   package that won't be used by a ton of people right away, so you can learn
   it well beforehand. 
 - You'll also be on a team with other people who will be
   happy to help you out when you have questions or get in trouble. 
 - You'll get to work on an area of Debian that's far more central to the core
   of the distribution than just packaging something you found on freshmeat. 
 - Finally, I'll personally be happy to sponsor anyone who maintains xcompmgr.

So if anyone is interested in taking this package on, please reply. I want
Debian to have the best X packages around, and I would love to see more
people from Debian Women get involved in visible, important parts of the
project, and this is the perfect opportunity. Thank you!

 - David Nusinow

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