Hey all,
I spent a weekend away from my email, and returned to find that a number
of women (and men) on this list have taken an inordinate amount of time
and energy justifying the existance of this list and responding to
someone who will *never* be satisfied.
This is just a basic truth, there are some people, largely people who
have never experienced oppression, who will never see the need for the
existance of groups for people who have been traditionally oppressed,
whether it be because of gender, class, race/ethnicity, sexuality or
nationality. And in fact, many will choose to use the strategy of
calling those groups "discriminatory" as a way to delegitimize the
existance of those groups.
Those of us who have experienced oppression understand at a gut level
why we need groups like debian-women. We don't need to spend our time
and energy justifying our existance to people like the troll. Honestly,
I'm not interested in spending my time reading responses to people who
are purposely trying to be disruptive.
As the troll himself mentioned, let's not feed that behavior.
Michelle Murrain
mmurrain at dbdes dot com
413-222-6350 ph
617-889-0929 ph
952-674-7253 fax <--- new
AIM:pearlbear0 ICQ:129250575
Y!: michelle_murrain Jabber:
" is for us, while we have this great gift of consciousness, to use
it properly, to understand what it means to live consciously, to live
fully with awareness, to know where we are coming from, where we are
going, and why we are here." -- Seyyed Hossein Nasr
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