debian-wnpp May 2007 by subject

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Bug#415802: marked as done (ITP: jcal -- UNIX-cal-like tool to display Jalali (Persian) calendar) Bug#416159: marked as done (ITP: gurgitate-mail -- E-mail processor and filter with configuration files in ruby) Bug#416221: marked as done (ITP: libgtkol -- GTK C++ Object Layer) Bug#416491: marked as done (ITP: kmidimon -- MIDI monitor using ALSA sequencer and KDE user interface) Bug#416568: marked as done (ITP: consolekit -- framework for defining and tracking users, sessions and seats) Bug#416605: marked as done (ITP: boxbackup -- Server and Clients for the BoxBackup remote backup system) Bug#416929: marked as done (ITP: perl-doc-html -- Perl documentation suitable for viewing with a web browser) Bug#416953: marked as done (ITA: egoboo -- 3D dungeon crawling adventure in the spirit of NetHack) Bug#416957: marked as done (ITA: egoboo-data -- Egoboo data files) Bug#416974: marked as done (O: egoboo -- 3D dungeon crawling adventure in the spirit of NetHack) Bug#416982: marked as done (O: egoboo-data -- Egoboo data files) Bug#417031: marked as done (ITP: liblatex-tom-perl -- A module for parsing, analyzing and manipulating latex documents) Bug#417365: marked as done (ITP: zope-advancedquery -- Zope product providing enhanced search functions) Bug#417500: marked as done (ITP: zope-managableindex -- Zope product providing indexes managable via the ZMI) Bug#417514: marked as done (ITP: zope-ofolder -- A tiny layer above Folder providing ordering control) Bug#417591: marked as done (ITP: jarjar -- repackage third-party jars) Bug#417827: mlmmj adoption Bug#417970: marked as done (ITP: libwww-bugzilla-perl -- a perl API for creation and updating of Bugzilla bugs) Bug#418122: marked as done (ITP: mtpaint -- painting program to create pixel art and manipulate digital photos.) Bug#418366: marked as done (ITP: ion3-mod-xinerama -- Xinerama module for Ion3) Bug#418410: marked as done (ITP: python-sympy -- Computer Algebra System (CAS) in Python) Bug#418517: marked as done (ITP: gnunet-qt -- QT frontend to GNUnet) Bug#418544: Database of American Chiropractors Bug#418544: Database of Naturopathic clinics Bug#418558: Bug#425952: ITP: emacs-rails Bug#418659: (pas de sujet) Bug#418673: marked as done (ITP: qdox -- High speed source parser for extracting from Java) Bug#418678: state of the ITP Bug#418691: marked as done (ITP: melting -- computing the melting temperature of nucleic acid duplex) Bug#418745: marked as done (ITP: python-yenc -- yEnc encoding/decoding extension for Python) Bug#418858: marked as done (ITP: xmds-doc -- documentation for the eXtensible Multi-Dimensional Simulator) Bug#419048: marked as done (ITP: fdm -- fetching, filtering and delivering emails) Bug#419127: marked as done (ITP: python-decorator -- simplify the usage of decorators for the average programmer) Bug#419155: marked as done (ITP: aspell-am -- Amharic wordlist for aspell) Bug#419226: #419226: ITP: ocsinventory-server -- Hardware and software inventory tool (server) Bug#419340: marked as done (ITP: convertall -- a very flexible unit converter) Bug#419343: marked as done (ITP: python-gdata -- Google Data Python client library) Bug#419368: marked as done (ITP: aufs -- Another UnionFS) Bug#419374: marked as done (ITP: gpe-timesheet -- keep track of time spent on a task in GPE) Bug#419447: marked as done (ITP: tclgeoip -- Tcl extension implementing GeoIP lookup functions) Bug#419474: marked as done (ITP: mythtvfs-fuse -- userspace filesystem client for MythTV) Bug#419573: marked as done (ITP: libois -- Object Oriented Input System library (C++)) Bug#419658: marked as done (ITP: libmail-field-received-perl -- mostly RFC822-compliant parser of Received headers) Bug#419696: marked as done (ITP: freeimage -- Library to support popular graphics image formats) Bug#419746: ITP: zfs-fuse -- A FUSE wrapper for the ZFS filesystem in Linux Bug#419748: marked as done (ITP: libvte-java -- VTE bindings for Java) Bug#419776: marked as done (ITP: libyadis-ruby -- Yadis Service discovery library written in pure Ruby) Bug#419839: marked as done (RFP: slbackup-php -- A web-based frontend for slbackup) Bug#419866: marked as done (ITP: ajaxtags -- Java based library supporting AJAX in Java Server Pages) Bug#419887: marked as done (ITP: pypolicyd-spf -- python-policyd-spf - pure-Python Postfix policy server for SPF checking) Bug#419896: marked as done (ITA: amsn -- An MSN messenger written in tcl) Bug#419951: marked as done (ITP: jexcelapi -- Java API to read, write and modify Excel spreadsheets) Bug#419966: marked as done (ITP: libclass-std-perl -- Perl module for creating standard "inside-out" classes) Bug#419968: marked as done (ITP: libconfig-std-perl -- Perl module to load and save configuration files in a standard format) Bug#419982: marked as done (ITP: create -- shared resources for use by creative applications) Bug#420068: marked as done (ITP: uccass -- A PHP-based survey script to create, run, and analyse online surveys) Bug#420090: marked as done (ITP: libxml-parser-lite-tree-perl -- Lightweight XML tree builder) Bug#420097: marked as done (ITP: libflickr-api-perl -- Perl interface to the Flickr API) Bug#420165: marked as done (ITP: commons-configuration -- Java based library providing a generic configuration interface) Bug#420179: marked as done (ITP: libjson-any-perl -- Wrapper Class for the various JSON classes.) Bug#420199: marked as done (ITP: libpam-usb -- PAM module which provides authentication with a USB flash drive) Bug#420289: marked as done (ITP: ilf -- InfoNode Look and Feel) Bug#420319: marked as done (ITP: tangerine-icon-theme -- an icon theme worked on by the Ubuntu Art Team) Bug#420333: marked as done (ITP: libnet-dpap-client-perl -- Connect to iPhoto shares (DPAP)) Bug#420383: marked as done (ITP: libnet-daap-dmap-perl -- Perl module for reading and writing DAAP structures) Bug#420410: marked as done (ITP: libdevel-size-perl -- extension for finding the memory usage of variables) Bug#420483: marked as done (ITP: libclass-accessor-lvalue-perl -- create Lvalue accessors ) Bug#420489: marked as done (ITP: python-petsc4py -- Python bindings for PETSc libraries) Bug#420489: petsc: Please add Python bindings Bug#420505: marked as done (ITP: libbasicplayer-java -- threaded simple player class based on JavaSound API) Bug#420518: marked as done (ITP: clxclient -- da) Bug#420520: marked as done (ITP: clthreads -- da) Bug#420542: marked as done (ITP: libvorbisspi-java -- interface to support OGG vorbis audio format) Bug#420543: marked as done (ITP: libjlayer-java -- library to decode, convert and play MP3 files) Bug#420564: marked as done (ITP: python-asterisk -- Asterisk Manager API interface module for Python) Bug#420581: marked as done (ITP: libjflac-java -- Java Free Lossless Audio Codec) Bug#420584: marked as done (ITP: fontypython -- Manage your ttf fonts on your GNU/Linux) Bug#420586: marked as done (ITP: aeolus -- Synthesised pipe organ emulator) Bug#420589: marked as done (ITP: stops -- Stop and instrument definitions for Aeolus-0.6.x) Bug#420643: ITA: tcc -- The smallest ANSI C compiler Bug#420643: marked as done (ITA: tcc -- The smallest ANSI C compiler) Bug#420648: marked as done (ITP: liburi-template-perl -- handle URI templates in perl) Bug#420691: marked as done (ITP: audacious-plugins-ugly -- Unsupported plugins for audacious) Bug#420953: marked as done (ITP: gscan2pdf -- GUI for scanning/editing multipage PDFs and TIFFs) Bug#421107: marked as done (ITP: torbutton -- iceweasel/icedove extension enabling 1-click toggle of Tor usage) Bug#421158: ITP: yetanotherpacman -- Yet Another Pacman Bug#421268: Started Bug#421295: marked as done (ITP: ditrack -- lightweight distributed issue tracking system) Bug#421310: marked as done (ITP: libpam-krb5-migrate -- PAM module for migrating to Kerberos) Bug#421357: marked as done (ITP: bzr-gtk -- GTK+ interface to bzr) Bug#421428: marked as done (ITP: commons-openpgp -- a common and simple Java interface for generating and verifying OpenPGP signatures) Bug#421444: ITA Bug#421444: RFA: qc-usb -- source code for QuickCam Express kernel module Bug#421513: ITP: sphpblog -- web-based blog software without need for a database Bug#421513: License-Question (expanded GPL) Bug#421513: sphpblog Bug#421513: sphpblog License-Question (modified/expanded GPL) Bug#421556: marked as done (ITP: libyaml-tiny-perl -- Read/Write YAML files with as little code as possible) Bug#421573: marked as done (ITP: ldb -- LDAP-like embedded database) Bug#421578: marked as done (ITP: gfa -- GTK+ fast address book) Bug#421608: marked as done (ITP: libcompress-raw-zlib-perl -- low-level interface to zlib compression library) Bug#421639: marked as done (ITP: libmp3spi-java -- interface to support MP3 (MPEG 1/2/2.5 Layer 1/2/3) audio format) Bug#421641: marked as done (ITP: libkjdsp-java -- dsp package for the Light Development Spectrum Analyzer) Bug#421642: marked as done (ITP: libtritonus-java -- implementation of the Java Sound API) Bug#421677: marked as done (ITP: python-petsc4py -- Python bindings for PETSc libraries) Bug#421699: ITP: odccm -- Daemon to keep a connection to Windows Mobile device Bug#421700: ITP: librtfcomp -- Library to read and write compressed RTF files Bug#421702: ITP: usb-rndis -- Source for the usb-rndis driver Bug#421703: ITP: caret -- Computerized Anatomical Reconstruction and Editing Toolkit Bug#421716: ITP: libjorbis-java -- Pure Java Ogg Vorbis Decoder Bug#421717: ITP: libjspeex-java -- Java Implementation of Speex Bug#421717: marked as done (ITP: libjspeex-java -- Java Implementation of Speex) Bug#421745: RFA: bigloo -- A practical Scheme compiler Bug#421794: ITP: hgsvn -- Scripts to work locally on Subversion checkouts using Mercurial Bug#421794: marked as done (ITP: hgsvn -- Scripts to work locally on Subversion checkouts using Mercurial) Bug#421807: ITP: gnunet-client -- This package contains the client applications like gnunet-search and gnunet-download for GNUnet Bug#421807: marked as done (ITP: gnunet-client -- This package contains the client applications like gnunet-search and gnunet-download for GNUnet) Bug#421808: ITP: gnunet-common -- Secure, trust-based peer-to-peer framework Bug#421808: marked as done (ITP: gnunet-common -- Secure, trust-based peer-to-peer framework) Bug#421812: ITP: gnunet-dev -- Secure, trust-based peer-to-peer framework Bug#421812: marked as done (ITP: gnunet-dev -- Secure, trust-based peer-to-peer framework) Bug#421813: ITP: gnunet-daemon -- Secure, trust-based peer-to-peer framework Bug#421813: marked as done (ITP: gnunet-daemon -- Secure, trust-based peer-to-peer framework) Bug#421814: ITP: gnunet-tools -- Secure, trust-based peer-to-peer framework Bug#421814: marked as done (ITP: gnunet-tools -- Secure, trust-based peer-to-peer framework) Bug#421816: this will be done by the kernel team Bug#421819: ITP: slang-xfig -- produce plots and drawings through Xfig's fig2dev in S-Lang Bug#421819: marked as done (ITP: slang-xfig -- produce plots and drawings through Xfig's fig2dev in S-Lang) Bug#421828: RFP: apacheds -- Directory server (LDAP) by the Apache Foundation Bug#421858: ITP: python-wbxml -- Python bindings around libwbxml2 Bug#421908: marked as done (ITP: qgfe -- QT Gnuplot Front End) Bug#421970: ITP: qcomicbook -- qt viewer for comic book archives (cbr/cbz/cba/cbg/cbb) Bug#421970: marked as done (ITP: qcomicbook -- qt viewer for comic book archives (cbr/cbz/cba/cbg/cbb)) Bug#421975: [Pkg-xfce-devel] Bug#421975: ITP: xfce4-xkb-plugin -- xkb layout switch plugin for the Xfce4 panel Bug#421975: ITP: xfce4-xkb-plugin -- xkb layout switch plugin for the Xfce4 panel Bug#421975: marked as done (ITP: xfce4-xkb-plugin -- xkb layout switch plugin for the Xfce4 panel) Bug#421977: marked as done (RFH: quagga co-maintainer wanted (BGP/OSPF/RIP routing daemon)) Bug#421977: RFH: quagga co-maintainer wanted (BGP/OSPF/RIP routing daemon) Bug#421977: RFH: quagga co-maintainer wanted (BGP/OSPF/RIP routing daemon) Bug#422005: pumount Bug#422005: RFA: pmount -- mount removable devices as normal user Bug#422027: ITP: macopix -- Mascot Constructive Pilot for X Bug#422039: marked as done (ITP: recoll -- A personal full text search package with a QT GUI) Bug#422039: RFP: recoll -- A personal full text search tool. Lightweight and easy-to-use desktop search engine Bug#422071: marked as done (RFP: nspluginwrapper -- NPAPI plugin to run 32-bit plugins on a 64-bit system) Bug#422071: RFP: nspluginwrapper -- NPAPI plugin to run 32-bit plugins on a 64-bit system Bug#422086: ITP: naturaldocs -- an extensible, multi-language documentation generator Bug#422106: ITP: pp3 -- Celestial charts generation Bug#422119: ITP: ripole -- Extract attachments from OLE2 data files (ie, MS Office docs) Bug#422119: marked as done (ITP: ripole -- Extract attachments from OLE2 data files (ie, MS Office docs)) Bug#422137: ITP: 09F911029D74E35BD84156C5635688C0 -- l33t h4x0r numb3r Bug#422137: ITP: 455FE10422CA29C4933F95052B792AB2 -- l33t h4x0r numb3r Bug#422137: marked as done (ITP: 09F911029D74E35BD84156C5635688C0 -- l33t h4x0r numb3r) Bug#422151: RFP: libspf2-policyd -- Postfix policy server for SPF checking with libspf2 Bug#422158: ITP: podsleuth -- HAL callout to merge rich iPod device metadata in the device tree Bug#422159: ITP: php-adodb -- Extension optimising ADOdb database abstraction library. Bug#422162: ITA: pbbuttonsd Bug#422162: O: pbbuttonsd -- PBButtons daemon to handle special hotkeys of Apple computers Bug#422163: ITA: gtkpbbuttons Bug#422163: O: gtkpbbuttons -- GTK client for pbbuttonsd Bug#422164: ITA: powerprefs Bug#422164: O: powerprefs -- Client to configure pbbuttonsd Bug#422200: ITP: synce-gnomevfs -- SynCE plugin for Gnome VFS Bug#422206: ITP: soprano -- A Qt interface for RDF storage Bug#422226: marked as done (ITP: overgod - an asteroids-style space shoot-'em-up) Bug#422286: ITP: xmms2tray -- systray integration for xmms2 Bug#422296: O: websec Bug#422297: ITP: g95 -- The G95 fortran compiler Bug#422298: O: libvncserver Bug#422312: ITP: php-qt -- Object-oriented interface to the Qt4 Framework. Bug#422333: ITP: libjgoodies-animation-java -- Time-based real-time animations in Java Bug#422333: marked as done (ITP: libjgoodies-animation-java -- Time-based real-time animations in Java) Bug#422334: ITP: libjgoodies-binding-java -- Swing Data Binding Framework Bug#422334: marked as done (ITP: libjgoodies-binding-java -- Swing Data Binding Framework) Bug#422335: ITP: liquidlnf -- Java Swing Look and Feel of Mosfet Liquid KDE 3.x Bug#422336: ITP: tinylaf -- pluggable Look and Feel for Java Bug#422337: ITP: kunststoff -- suite of skins for different applications Bug#422337: marked as done (ITP: kunststoff -- suite of skins for different applications) Bug#422358: marked as done (ITA: aterm -- Afterstep XVT - a VT102 emulator for the X window system) Bug#422367: ITP: kbuild -- framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks Bug#422367: marked as done (ITP: kbuild -- framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks) Bug#422378: ITP: spiro - toolkit for curve design (font editor) Bug#422392: ITP: gimp-plugin-registry -- A repository of optional extensions for The GIMP Bug#422392: marked as done (ITP: gimp-plugin-registry -- A repository of optional extensions for The GIMP) Bug#422423: ITP: libtool-cvs -- Generic library support script - CVS snapshot Bug#422423: marked as done (ITP: libtool-cvs -- Generic library support script - CVS snapshot) Bug#422424: marked as done (ITP: gnome-mastermind -- GNOME Mastermind is a Mastermind-like game for gnome desktop) Bug#422441: ITP: trac-spamfilter -- trac plugin to add spam filtering capabilities Bug#422444: ITP: libpathtools-perl -- Tools for working with paths and file specs across platforms Bug#422444: marked as done (ITP: libpathtools-perl -- Tools for working with paths and file specs across platforms) Bug#422451: ITP: cakephp1.2 - MVC rapid application development framework for PHP (1.2 version) Bug#422457: ITP: libtest-distribution-perl -- perform tests on all modules of a distribution Bug#422457: marked as done (ITP: libtest-distribution-perl -- perform tests on all modules of a distribution) Bug#422498: RFH: gentoo -- a fully GUI-configurable, two-pane X file manager Bug#422499: RFA: pas2html -- Highlight Pascal and Modula-2 sources for WWW presentation Bug#422509: ITP: bless -- Bless is a high quality, full featured hexadecimal editor Bug#422509: ITP: bless -- Bless is a high quality, full featured hexadecimal editor Bug#422510: ITP: ascend -- nonlinear equation solver and modelling environment Bug#422553: ITP: gnomeradio -- FM-radio tuner for the GNOME desktop Bug#422560: ITP: cpushare -- a general purpose Low Cost and World Wide Supercomputer. Bug#422560: marked as done (ITP: cpushare -- a general purpose Low Cost and World Wide Supercomputer.) Bug#422571: RFP: chronicle -- Valgrind-based complete, indexed recording of process execution Bug#422601: ITP: jsr107cache -- Java API for caching Bug#422601: State of ITP: jsr107cache -- Java API for caching (was: Re: Bug#422601: state of the ITP) Bug#422660: ITP: moap -- MOAP is a swiss army knife for project maintainers and developers Bug#422660: The moap diff Bug#422688: ITP: libpasori -- Library for handling PaSoRi, a USB reader/writer for FeliCa contactless IC card Bug#422691: RFP: ant4eclipse -- Ant plugin for building eclipse projects Bug#422715: ITP: vdr-plugin-mousemate -- VDR plugin that allows to control VDR with a mouse Bug#422726: ITP: taglib-sharp -- CLI library for reading and writing tags to multimedia files Bug#422727: ITP: narlie -- Lisp-like language for the CLR Bug#422867: ITP: ocaml-alsa -- OCaml bindings for the ALSA library Bug#422867: marked as done (ITP: ocaml-alsa -- OCaml bindings for the ALSA library) Bug#422897: ITP: cartoreso -- Scan a computer network and display results on a map Bug#422919: ITP: vdr-plugin-atmo -- VDR plugin to control colored TV backlights Bug#422944: O: groach -- pests such as roaches hide under your X windows (xroach clone) Bug#423008: ITP: gramophone2 -- GRAMophone II is an algorithmic musical generator. Bug#423024: RFP: monkeymessenger -- MSN client written using Mono/GTK Bug#423081: ITP: jarwrapper Bug#423089: ITP: jackdmp -- C++ version of jackd for multi-processor machines Bug#423138: ITP: libnachocalendar-java -- flexible Calendar component to the Java Platform Bug#423138: marked as done (ITP: libnachocalendar-java -- flexible Calendar component to the Java Platform) Bug#423228: ITP: vdr-plugin-wirbelscan -- Channelscan plugin for VDR Bug#423253: ITP: vdr-plugin-fritzbox -- VDR plugin to access certain functions of an AVM Fritz!Box Bug#423301: O: moodss -- A spreadsheet-like visualisation program for data Bug#423306: openmash: should this package be orphaned? Bug#423334: RFH: poppler co-maintainer wanted Bug#423360: marked as done (ITA: zope-quotafolder -- folder based quota system for Zope) Bug#423384: RFP: libcrcanvas -- A GTK/Cairo Canvas Widget with Python Bindings Bug#423396: RFP: getstream -- DVB streaming application Bug#423424: ITP: scanmem -- Locate and modify a variable in an executing process Bug#423443: Initial package version available Bug#423443: ITP: python-cups -- Python bindings for CUPS Bug#423443: marked as done (ITP: python-cups -- Python bindings for CUPS) Bug#423458: ITP: dnscap -- DNS traffic capture utility Bug#423503: ITP: ttf-liberation - A set of free (GPL) fonts from Red Hat Inc. Bug#423503: ITP: ttf-liberation - A set of free (GPL) fonts from Red Hat Inc. Bug#423503: ITP: ttf-liberation - A set of free (GPL) fonts from Red Hat Inc. Bug#423503: ITP: ttf-liberation - A set of free (GPL) fonts from Red Hat Inc. Bug#423504: marked as done (ITP: powertop -- linux tool to find out what is using power on a laptop) Bug#423504: RFP: powertop -- linux tool to find out what is using power on a laptop Bug#423504: thanks for powertop -- notes Bug#423507: ITP: ibpp -- C++ client interface for Firebird Bug#423507: marked as done (ITP: ibpp -- C++ client interface for Firebird) Bug#423511: ITP: goattracker Bug#423530: ITP: xrgb -- X RGB database and utilities Bug#423548: ITP: emboss-explorer -- web-based GUI to EMBOSS Bug#423554: ITP: cairo-clock -- An analog clock drawn with vector-graphics Bug#423554: marked as done (ITP: cairo-clock -- An analog clock drawn with vector-graphics) Bug#423579: ITP: libsupertone -- library for supervisory tone generation and detection Bug#423579: marked as done (ITP: libsupertone -- library for supervisory tone generation and detection) Bug#423605: ITP: ndisgtk -- graphical frontend for ndiswrapper (installation of Windows WiFi drivers) Bug#423605: marked as done (ITP: ndisgtk -- graphical frontend for ndiswrapper (installation of Windows WiFi drivers)) Bug#423608: ITP: jajuk -- advanced jukebox and music organizer Bug#423619: ITP: libfontbox-java -- Java Font Library Bug#423663: ITP: libvldocking-java -- Java components for building applications with Docking capabilities Bug#423663: marked as done (ITP: libvldocking-java -- Java components for building applications with Docking capabilities) Bug#423671: ITP: libtablelayout-java -- Java layout manager for creating user interfaces fast and easy Bug#423671: marked as done (ITP: libtablelayout-java -- Java layout manager for creating user interfaces fast and easy) Bug#423700: ITP: libmfcr2 -- Library for MFC/R2 signaling on E1 lines Bug#423701: ITP: libunicall -- An abstration layer for telephony signalling Bug#423770: ITP: rubypodder -- Unattended podcast downloader Bug#423861: ITP: libnet-mac-perl -- Perl extension for representing and manipulating MAC Bug#423861: marked as done (ITP: libnet-mac-perl -- Perl extension for representing and manipulating MAC) Bug#423881: ITP: bandwidthcalc -- file transfer time calculator written in GTK+ Bug#423893: ITA: robotfindskitten (robot finds new maintainer) Bug#423893: marked as done (ITA: robotfindskitten (robot finds new maintainer)) Bug#423911: ITP: citadel -- is an highly integrated Groupware Platform with a Web 2.0 enabled Webinterface, but also providing SMTP, IMAP, POP3 and GroupDAV access to its content. Bug#424039: ITP: aggregate -- ipv4 cidr prefix aggregator Bug#424067: ITP: python-sasync -- asynchronous access for SQLAlchemy Bug#424170: ITP: python-twisted-goodies -- miscellaneous add-ons for the Twisted networking framework Bug#424406: ITP: python-snpp -- SNPP library for Python Bug#424406: marked as done (ITP: python-snpp -- SNPP library for Python) Bug#424611: O: openggsn -- OpenSource Gateway GPRS Support Node (GGSN) Bug#424660: RFA: xmms-singit -- Display and edit lyrics with XMMS Bug#424674: ITP: system-config-cluster -- GUI to create the red hat cluster suite config file Bug#424702: ITP: Beteckna -- A geometric sans-serif typeface Bug#424710: I Intend to Adopt ample - A simple MP3 server easy to use Bug#424710: marked as done (ITA: ample A simple MP3 server easy to use) Bug#424711: marked as done (ITA: apcupsd -- APC UPS Power Management) Bug#424712: marked as done (ITA: bcrypt -- Cross platform file encryption utility) Bug#424727: ITP: wmi -- DCOM/WMI client implementation for Linux Bug#424727: marked as done (ITP: wmi -- DCOM/WMI client implementation for Linux) Bug#424727: winexe patch for samba4 Bug#424740: ITP: jruby1.0 -- JRuby is a Java implementation of the Ruby interpreter Bug#424740: marked as done (ITP: jruby1.0 -- JRuby is a Java implementation of the Ruby interpreter) Bug#424842: ITP: docbook2odf -- XSLT based conversions from docbook to Oasis Open Document ( Bug#424842: marked as done (ITP: docbook2odf -- XSLT based conversions from docbook to Oasis Open Document ( Bug#424843: RFP: peless -- peless is GTK tabbed text file lister. Bug#424844: Bug #424844: ITP: ircservices-church -- Nick/channel/other services for IRC networks Bug#424844: ITP: ircservices -- Nick/channel/other services for IRC networks Bug#424844: Package name Bug#424875: ITP: libical0 -- libical offers parsing of ical text data. Bug#424880: ITP: libl2fprod-common-java -- additional Java components for modern user interfaces Bug#424890: RFA: gkrellm -- The GNU Krell Monitors Bug#424893: ITP: cmigrep -- search in ocaml compiled interface files Bug#424893: marked as done (ITP: cmigrep -- search in ocaml compiled interface files) Bug#424895: RFA: idjc -- graphical shoutcast/icecast client Bug#424905: RFP: sdlmame -- SDLMAME is a port of the popular MAME™. Bug#424909: ITP: lbrc -- Linux Bluetooth Remote Control Server Bug#424925: ITP: libjcalendar-java -- Java date chooser bean for graphically picking a date Bug#424925: marked as done (ITP: libjcalendar-java -- Java date chooser bean for graphically picking a date) Bug#424929: ITP: libdata-validate-ip-perl -- IP validation methods Bug#424933: ITP: libdata-validate-domain-perl -- domain validation methods Bug#424933: marked as done (ITP: libdata-validate-domain-perl -- domain validation methods) Bug#424951: ITP: alienarena2007 -- A standalone 3D first person online deathmatch shooter Bug#424956: ITP: libasterisk-agi-perl -- Asterisk::AGI Module. Bug#424956: marked as done (ITP: libasterisk-agi-perl -- Asterisk::AGI Module.) Bug#424958: RFP: jgrasp -- lightweight development environment, mainly for java Bug#424961: ITP: libtomcrypt -- An easy-to-use cryptography library Bug#425016: ITP: gisomount -- utility to mount and manage .iso images Bug#425038: ITP: win32-loader -- Debian-Installer loader for win32 Bug#425039: ITP: libint -- Evaluate the integrals in modern atomic and molecular theory Bug#425046: RFP: ppp-scripts -- ppp-scripts is a package with various utilitaries to help you configure ppp Bug#425063: ITP: gnome-rpd -- remote desktop client for GNOME Bug#425063: marked as done (ITP: gnome-rdp -- remote desktop client for GNOME) Bug#425111: ITP: ssaha -- Sequence Search and Alignment by Hashing Algorithm Bug#425139: ITP: gtk-chtheme -- GTK+ 2.0 theme changer utility Bug#425139: marked as done (ITP: gtk-chtheme -- GTK+ 2.0 theme changer utility) Bug#425142: ITP: dpans2texi -- draft ANS Common Lisp specification Bug#425155: ITP: gpixpod -- organize photos on your iPod Bug#425155: switching to RFP Bug#425174: ITP: python-gmpy -- Interfaces GMP to Python for fast, unbound-precision computations Bug#425174: marked as done (ITP: python-gmpy -- Interfaces GMP to Python for fast, unbound-precision computations) Bug#425184: ITP: libencode-perl -- provides interfaces between Perl's strings and the system Bug#425226: ITP: pastebinit -- command-line pastebin client Bug#425236: CTorrent enhanced: BitTorrent Client written in C Bug#425236: marked as done (ITP: ctorrent -- BitTorrent Client written in C) Bug#425239: O: agistudio -- IDE for creating early Sierra style AGI games Bug#425240: ITA: imediff2 -- interactive full screen 2-way merge tool Bug#425240: O: imediff2 -- interactive full screen 2-way merge tool Bug#425241: O: metacam -- extract EXIF information from digital camera files Bug#425242: O: cfourcc -- Command line tool for changing FourCC in Microsoft RIFF AVI files Bug#425243: O: memaid-pyqt -- memorization tool with optimal question scheduling Bug#425244: O: nagi -- game interpreter for Sierra Online (tm) AGI games Bug#425255: ITP: flake -- Alternative encoder for the Free Lossless Audio Codec Bug#425275: O: jpegpixi -- Remove hot spots from JPEG images with minimal quality loss Bug#425278: ITP: libqsearch -- hierarchical clustering library using quartet tree reconstruction algorithm Bug#425280: ITP: pynetsnmp -- Python ctypes bindings for NET-SNMP with Twisted integration Bug#425280: marked as done (ITP: pynetsnmp -- Python ctypes bindings for NET-SNMP with Twisted integration) Bug#425289: ITP: qtemu -- graphical user interface for QEMU Bug#425289: marked as done (ITP: qtemu -- graphical user interface for QEMU) Bug#425293: ITP: ocamlmakefile -- a general makefile for the Objective Caml programming language Bug#425293: marked as done (ITP: ocamlmakefile -- a general makefile for the Objective Caml programming language) Bug#425329: ITP: glashctl -- simple applet for controlling the LASH Audio Session Handler Bug#425329: marked as done (ITP: glashctl -- simple applet for controlling the LASH Audio Session Handler) Bug#425338: ITP: hinting-viewer - tool to view font outline hinting Bug#425347: ITP:td2planet - This is a planet implementation of ruby, mainly for tDiary Bug#425347: marked as done (ITP: td2planet -- This is a planet implementation of ruby, mainly for tDiary) Bug#425347: td2planet in Bug#425356: RFP: iwlwifi -- The iwlwifi project provides a driver which utilizes the new mac80211 subsystem for the Intel® PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection adapter. Bug#425409: ITP: linux-phc -- userspace interface to control the core voltage of processors Bug#425456: ITP: newlisp -- a LISP like, general purpose scripting language Bug#425482: ITP: openglad - old-school top-down action RPG Bug#425482: Uploaded Bug#425489: ITP: libtime-local-perl -- efficiently compute time from local and GMT time Bug#425489: marked as done (ITP: libtime-local-perl -- efficiently compute time from local and GMT time) Bug#425510: fluxbox: 1.0 Release Candidate 3 available Bug#425609: ITP: OpenGrok -- Wicked fast source code indexing and search software built on top of lucene Bug#425673: RFP: iaddressbook - an address book for a single user written in php Bug#425731: #425731: ITP gbgoffice Bug#425731: RFP: gbgoffice - egnlish<->bulgarian dictionary Bug#425747: ITP: xine-plugin -- xine-based media player plugin for Mozilla browsers Bug#425751: O: pcproxy Bug#425751: RM: pcproxy -- RoM; abandoned upstream; orphaned; superseded Bug#425756: ITP: memchan -- Tcl extension, which implements in-memory channels Bug#425759: ITP: tcltrf -- Tcl data transformations library (Tcl-Trf) Bug#425761: ITP: decoratortools -- version-agnostic decorators support for Python Bug#425805: RFP: gmpc-plugins -- optional packages for gmpc Bug#425807: ITP: funguloids -- Collect mushrooms in space Bug#425822: ITP: decibel-audio-player -- GTK2 music player Bug#425823: ITP: libthread-pool-simple-perl -- A simple thread-pool implementation for Perl Bug#425823: marked as done (ITP: libthread-pool-simple-perl -- A simple thread-pool implementation for Perl) Bug#425860: O: libnss-pgsql -- name service switch module using PostgreSQL Bug#425869: ITP: netfilter-extensions -- netfilter kernel modules derived from patch-o-matic-ng Bug#425869: marked as done (ITP: netfilter-extensions -- netfilter kernel modules derived from patch-o-matic-ng) Bug#425903: Fische: Stand-alone sound visualisation for Linux Bug#425916: ITP: pigment -- Rendering/widget/animation framework Bug#425925: ITP: haskell-stp -- Haskell library solver for the Simple Temporal Problem Bug#425940: ITP: nitrogen -- Background browser and setter for X windows Bug#425945: ITP: libwww-checksite-perl -- OO interface to an iterator that checks a website Bug#425952: ITP: emacs-rails -- Emacs minor-mode for developing RubyOnRails applications Bug#426043: ITP: liblaf-plugin-java -- support for third-party components in Java look-and-feel libraries Bug#426043: marked as done (ITP: liblaf-plugin-java -- support for third-party components in Java look-and-feel libraries) Bug#426048: RFP: fuppes - FUPPES is a free multiplatform UPnP (TM) A/V Media Server. Bug#426069: ITP: spip -- website engine for publishing Bug#426123: ITP: notification-daemon-xfce -- a daemon that displays passive pop-up notifications Bug#426159: ITP: libaopalliance-java -- ensure interoperability between Java/J2EE AOP implementations Bug#426159: marked as done (ITP: libaopalliance-java -- ensure interoperability between Java/J2EE AOP implementations) Bug#426162: ITP: libmaruku-ruby -- a Markdown-superset interpreter for ruby Bug#426162: marked as done (ITP: libmaruku-ruby -- a Markdown-superset interpreter for ruby) Bug#426201: ITP: libtubo -- Interprocess Communication library Bug#426201: Package available. Bug#426206: ITP: libpkg-guide -- Debian Library Packaging guide Bug#426208: ITP: xfdiff -- GUI frontend to "diff" and "patch" utilities Bug#426219: ITP: plexus-component-factories -- Plexus factories for bsh, ant components etc Bug#426226: ITP: plexus-compiler -- Interface to compilers within Plexus Bug#426227: ITP: plexus-velocity -- The Plexus Velocity Component The last update was on 06:46 GMT Mon May 27. There are 1368 messages. Page 2 of 3.

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