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Re: Usage of dpkg under cygwin

On Monday, October 14, 2002, at 02:43 PM, Claes Wallin wrote:

I looked into it, and tar actually supports --owner <uid> and
--group <gid>. They're just not documented on the man page. And

No, symlinks are fine. I was referring to device nodes. But in cygwin's
case, they're not interesting anyway, so.. yeah. Rebuild the scripts to
use tar's --owner and --group switches, and you can get rid of fakeroot.

Files are not necessarily owned by root or under the group of root. They may need to be under the www-data user, mysql user, or games group, or utmp group, or other things of that sort. And most likely it is specific to each file, not the whole archive as a whole. Unless you can use --owner and --group to specify the permissions for each individual file, it doesn't solve the problem either.

Paul Baker

"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away."
         -- Philip K. Dick

GPG Key: http://homepage.mac.com/pauljbaker/public.asc

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