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Re: [PHP] Standard placement of PHP libraries?

Debian packages, because `pear install' packages will always be installed in /usr/local/share/php. It is the limit of PEAR packaging system. What I mean is a suggestion that we shouldn't mix dpkg and pear-pkg together.

We can hack "pear" command to read packages from 2 places, like /usr/local/ and /usr/share/. I think its more easy, and maybe PEAR project accept this "hack"

BTW, I'm investigating Fedora's php package. They use ./configure --with-config-file-scan-dir=%{_sysconfdir}/php.d, so registering the PHP extensions is pretty easy. I think we could mimic apache2's layout:

/etc/php5/apache/mods-available/500mysql.ini = config file installed from Debian package

/etc/php5/apache/php.d/500mysql.ini = symlink created by php5-modconf or simply by postinst script

I'm not sure if the "mods-available" is good name... We could also rename "php.d" to "conf.d" like for apache and apache2 packages.

As you can see, there is PHPSAPI and priority in the pathname. Some extensions work only with a few SAPIs. Some extensions are depending on other extensions, so priority is the must.

Last, but not least: php5 package installs /etc/apache/conf.d/php5.conf file. This is the problem related to any apache's modules. The problem appears if package is removed but conffile still remains. Remember that we have 4 flavours of Apache server (/etc/{apache,apache-ssl,apache-perl,apache2}/conf.d) and I think we shouldn't provide just one config file for 4 servers.

Should be start the new tread about this issue?
Yes,, we can start a new thread after we solve questions about php and docs;

Jose Carlos

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