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Re: [PHP] Standard placement of PHP libraries?


I am currently making some changes we discussed last month on the list,
but the current "policy" is reflected in the dh-make-php Debian package.

I made some minor changes. There is still one major change which removes
the need for creating package.tgz. Uwe and I ironed out the changes, and
he implemented them in dh-make-php, but I don't have the time to right
now to pull them out and modify this document. If Uwe or anyone else is
interested in updating the document to reflect that change, it would be
a good thing. If not, Perhaps in several weeks I'll be able to spend a
little more time updating the document.

In the mean time, my personal recommendation is to simply use
dh-make-php, and then to file bugs and discuss issues with it on this


Hi, Charles

I read this policy, Well I think to install pear modules could be more easy,, but ok,, this solve our problem with pear modules,, And about other php modules like adodb or phplot ?

and what about directories ? and how to keep php4 and php5 in same machine ?

We will do how  Piotr  are saying ?

Why we first finish these questions, and after we write a policy for pear, php and pecl modules and classes ?

I think  ideas from Piotr are very good,,

To put  this policy in Debian  we need  votation ?

Jose Carlos

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