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Re: Web applications specific issues

> > > That's actually a very valid point I had forgotten about, but
> > > that's not what I originally meant above.
> > >
> > > Using some mythical package with version 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6 for
> > > example, I find it's quite common in the web hosting world that
> > > you have to provide version 1.4 for someone and version 1.5 for
> > > everyone else. After version 1.6 comes out, some users of 1.5
> > > upgrade, but the rest choose not to.
> > >
> > > Dealing with that is non-trivial...
> >
> > it seems even not possible to me, or that would need some tweaks to
> > apt/dpkg ....
> Well the way you do that kind of thing now is with
> mythical-package1.6, mythical-package1.4 and so on. Note the
> reactions from people when request tracker had to do that.

I note it, and I support those reactions.
we have a lot of web apps, and I think the number will grow fast (faster 
than binary traditionnal apps). and we cannot have a package per 
( version × webapp ).

Moreover, IMHO, keeping an older version of a web app come from 2 
reasons :
 * upgrade is too hard / too risky (in a wep app PoV)
 * ppl have customized / changed it a lot

(2) is not of our concern

(1) is sth we should work on.

At least, if we have many apps in the archive (like rt does) there 
should have a strict policy, like :
 * not more than 'n' packages (n kept small like 3)
 * package *has* to be supported upstream or by the packager, with
   reasonnable reliability (especially wrt bugs >= important), else it
   has to be removed from the archive.
 * those package should not be apps that are trivial to upgrade (putting
   the fact that maybe users may have done changes aside)

I believe rt fits most of the conditions here.

·O·  Pierre Habouzit
OOO                                                http://www.madism.org

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