Re: General Resolution: Liquidate donated assets as soon as possible
On 2022-06-18 21 h 45, Russ Allbery wrote:
> Louis-Philippe Véronneau <> writes:
>> ==== Text of GR ====
>> Donations to the Debian project of assets other than the TO's currency
>> of choice should be liquidated as soon as possible.
> I think this may be too restrictive. One of the things that came out in
> the subsequent discussion is the idea of having an investment plan, and
> keeping assets consistent with that investment plan. Now, our investment
> plan might reasonably be "keep everything in the TO's currency of choice
> in a bank account," but this GR as phrased would lock us into such an
> investment plan. I think it would be better to retain that flexibility.
The formulation is indeed restrictive, but that was on purpose.
If this GR gets enough seconds, I welcome other proposals of course, but
I believe incorporating a clause where we would eventually want to keep
such assets in case we have an investment plans:
1. Would go against my wish that Debian does not hold such assets
2. Would make the proposal much more complex
> There also seemed to be a lot of consensus on debian-private. Do we need
> a GR? I would expect the project delegates to be responsive to the
> consensus on debian-private and that we would only need a GR if there were
> some sort of conflict.
I disagree that GRs are heavy hammers that should only be used when we
don't agree. I think "quick" GRs that spawn from strong consensus are
beneficial for the project.
People are - of course - welcome to disagree and can very well decide
not to second, in which case there won't be a GR :)
⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Louis-Philippe Véronneau
⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋ /
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