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Re: Question to all candidates: Ongoing/future legal projects

Hi Jonathan,

On Sat, Mar 19, 2022 at 11:09 AM Jonathan Carter <jcc@debian.org> wrote:
> How would you gauge that, Felix? It's impractical to have a vote every
> time a decision is to be made, which is why voters want to know how a
> potential DPL would make choices so that they can make an informed
> choice on who to vote for. Even if you end up setting up that army of
> committees (I can't imagine all the bureaucracy that will come with),
> you would still have to make frequent decisions unlikely covered by
> those committees. So, again, how would you gauge what project members
> perceive as proper?

What can I say? Rule by decree is more efficient around the world. I
tried to explain my vision for more checks and balances in my response
to Richard Laager [1] who asked the question first.

I believe that a civic system, however simple, approximates the will
of the people to a greater degree. No referendums are needed.

Referendums wouldn't solve anything. We are a direct democracy that
isn't, because people are too afraid of voting. We should give folks
another way to take charge.

As to the level of bureaucracy, the collective process we use
presently is probably even less efficient. A distributed system, on
the other hand, would reduce the reading burden on the mailing lists.
Many problems would be handled by experienced committee members, who
can make decisions for the project at set times but also easily
revisit them. Right now, we can hardly do either.

Please allow me to add that I admire your work as DPL. You have done a
marvelous job for two years, and will also give the project your best
in your third term.

I hope you adopt some of my ideas when you are re-elected. Thank you!

Kind regards,
Felix Lechner

[1] https://lists.debian.org/debian-vote/2022/03/msg00174.html

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