Re: Secure, Secret, and Publicly Verifiable Voting
On Sun, Mar 06, 2022 at 11:31:22AM +0000, Barak A. Pearlmutter wrote:
> In the discussion of the "voting secrecy" resolution, people seem to
> have assumed that it is impossible for a voting system to be
> simultaneously secure, tamper-proof, have secret ballots, and also be
> end-to-end publicly verifiable meaning transparent verification of the
> final tally, with voters able to verify that their own vote was
> properly counted. (Our current system does not have secret ballots,
> but does embody the other properties.)
> As it turns out, magic cryptographic fairy dust allows *all* these
> properties to coexist. This is not to say that we *should* have secret
> ballots. Just that we *could*, without sacrificing transparency etc.
Isn't this how DPL elections are already done for 20 years?
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