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Re: Renaming the FTP Masters


> you mean, people in Debian die? I'm speechless and pretty unimpressed.

Martial law is the ad-hoc implementation of simple laws to control a
population. [1] In modern democracies, it only happens to stop
widespread unlawful behavior during public unrest. While effective, it
is not healthy for a society because all decisions are made on the
spot and without due process. [2] It is an emergency measure and has
nothing to do with people dying. Most often it's a nightly curfew or
the taking of private property.

> I'm a native German speaker and "Führer" is widely and
> completely uncontroversially used in German in lots of contexts

That is, as you noted, somewhat true for the word "master" as well,
but your portrayal of a wide and unequivocal acceptance of the word
"Führer" in German society is fictional. [3] I am from Berlin, and
people hesitate to use the word anywhere near its historical
meaning—except in fringe groups. [4] Finding synonyms is a common web
search. There are 683 of them. [5]

> the biggest and bluntest hammer

Naming a post office is not a hammer. It may be perceived that way
because the threat of a GR has so often been used as a last resort
when fighting, but peace is possible. We just need inclusive behavior,
a tolerance for difference, and the seeking of common ground. [6] It
could be the birth of a virtual republic. Have hope!

Kind regards
Felix Lechner

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martial_law
[2] https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/essay/amdt5_4_1/
[3] https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/F%C3%BChrer#Sprachgebrauch
[4] https://www.focus.de/politik/deutschland/die-enthemmte-mitte-schockierende-studie-ueber-rechtes-denken-jeder-zehnte-deutsche-wuenscht-sich-einen-fuehrer-wie-hitler_id_5638932.html
[5] https://www.buchstaben.com/synonym/f%C3%BChrer
[6] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peace

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