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Re: My analysis of the proposals

>>>>> "Uoti" == Uoti Urpala <uoti.urpala@pp1.inet.fi> writes:
    Uoti> I still don't really see why you disagree with my view (not
    Uoti> exactly a "proposal").

    Uoti> Which of these do you disagree with?

As someone charged with facilitating discussions within Debian, I'm
asking you to stop this thread now.
It's obvious there is some lingering misunderstanding, but I do not
believe this discussion on -vote will be served by exploring it further.

It seems clear that:

* There are people here who value being able to use sysvinit.

* There are people here who would value Debian deciding not to support

* We respect both these views, and deciding among them is one potential
  outcome of the current GR process.

I don't think it was your intention to escalate the situation, but that
seems to be happening, and I'd ask you to step back rather than

Sam Hartman
Debian Project Leader.

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