Re: Q to the candidates: GPLv2 system library exception
* Chris Lamb:
> Dear Florian,
>> the more pressing example is libgcc (the compiler support library part
>> of GCC), which was upgraded to the GPLv3 some time ago. libgcc is
>> mandatory on some architectures, but the GPLv3 is incompatible with
>> the GPLv2 (under which important software such as Git and OpenJDK are
>> released). It is unclear whether the GCC run-time library exception
>> restores GPLv2 compatibility.
> Thank you for bringing up this important issue; these complicated
> issues of GPL compliance are not as widely known as they should be.
> My response as DPL candidate is that whilst I would agree that the
> situation needs addressing in some way, I don't believe any decision
> should fall under the scope or influence of a Project Leader, modulo
> ensuring that any discussion does not get "stuck" or to act as
> liason with outside parties for their expertise, experience or opinion.
The DPL could approve funds to obtain qualified external advice. I
think this is what happened with ZFS (scroll to the end):
Would you consider the issue important enough to allocate the
necessary funds?
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