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Re: Question for all candidates about http://wiki.debian.org/DiscussionsAfterLenny

Charles Plessy wrote:
> Dear Steve, Luk and Stefano,

Hi Charles

> thank you very much for the time and efforts you are proposing to dedicate to
> the Project !
> Our Consitution suggests a stronger leadership of the DPL the discussions:
>  9. Lead discussions amongst Developers.
>     The Project Leader should attempt to participate in discussions amongst the
>     Developers in a helpful way which seeks to bring the discussion to bear on the
>     key issues at hand. The Project Leader should not use the Leadership position
>     to promote their own personal views.
> http://www.debian.org/devel/constitution.en.html#5
> Given how heated discussions can become in Debian, it seems that many previous
> Leaders have chosen to have a cooling role rather than a conducting role.
> Nevertheless, how do you intend to act in the context of this 5.1.9 article if
> you are elected ? In particular, there is already a long list of subjects on
> the Wiki. Can you comment about it ?

I would try to have people already involved in the discussion lead the
discussions and help them where needed (like I just did for the
Constitutional Issues thread).

I think the wiki page is a very good initiative and hope it will be used
to keep track of what discussions need to happen and to keep track of
their status.



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