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Re: Technical committee resolution

On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 07:06:41PM +0000, Ian Jackson wrote:
> The main symptom of the TC's brokenness is that it is not making
> decisions, or not making them fast enough.

No, I would argue that a portion of its membership is trying to rush
and make decisions far too quickly.

> I haven't heard anyone
> suggest that the TC is actually making wrong decisions.

I think Joey covered this one.

>  * Some TC members not being very active at all

That is a problem.  Perhaps the ctte members are overloaded with other

bdale: cvs_doc, srcdepcvs, wb-hppa, wb-ia64, webwml
aba: cvs_doc, debian-release, mirroradm, qa, volatile, wb-alpha, wb-arm,
     wb-hppa, wb-hurd-i386, wb-i386, wb-ia64, wb-m68k, wb-mips, wb-ppc,
     wb-s390, wb-sparc, webwml
iwj: dpkgcvs, webwml
vorlon: cvs_doc, debian-release, wb-alpha, wb-arm, wb-hppa, wb-i386,
        wb-ia64, wb-m68k, wb-mips, wb-ppc, wb-s390, wb-sparc
srivasta: dbnpolicy, debvote, webwml
ajt: bugscan, cvs_dak, debadmin, debbugs, debian-cd, debian-release,
     ftpteam, wb-alpha, wb-arm, wb-hppa, wb-hurd-i386, wb-i386, wb-ia64,
     wb-m68k, wb-mips, wb-ppc, wb-s390, wb-sparc

Perhaps committee membership should be limited to those who don't have
other privileged responsibilities.

>  * A feeling that it is generally more right to defer a decision
>    than to make a wrong one, resulting in many votes of FD

That sounds more like cautious wisdom than a problem.

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